We all do it... ....or maybe just a few

I did not read 7 pages of post but my mom had a plaque in the kitchen that said :

My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.

I live by those words.

Actually my problem is clutter. I never want to throw out something I might need. That is why when we downsized I needed two sheds.
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maybe there should be a club for those of us who are nosy and like to look in peoples showers and cabinets!

i might not ever again though, after that marble story!
Umm, NO WHERE, that's just NONE of my business to know at a house where I am a guest. I am grateful for hospitality extended, and go to spend time with the people, NOT to inspect the extent of their housekeeping.

And even if it were a house I was considering leaving my child to be baby-sat I wouldn't sneak & peek around, but ask outright to see the areas my child would be kept.

I wouldn't sneak peeks into closed areas in other people's homes because I myself would be very hurt and offended to know that my guests -- people I considered friends who cared about me -- were doing these secret house inspections and making judgments about me based on their findings.

My reply to people who have any criticisms about my housekeeping, or lack of it, is "Help out or hush up!"

Now once I had invited a number of people to my house for a prayer meeting to intercede for a mutual friend in a difficult situation. I was working full-time then, and though I managed to clean up all of the house we would be using (living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom) I ran out of time before scrubbing the shower, so I just closed the curtain, figuring "who would be using the tub at a prayer meeting?" Well, there was one friend who came a bit late, saying he'd been working outdoors all day at a craft fair, and had been wearing sandals there -- would I mind if he washed his feet in my tub? It was funny then, because I just wasn't expecting anyone to need that part of the house, and I just told him to go ahead, but sorry, it needed a scrub. Since this man had 6 children of his own, I expect he wasn't judging me on my housekeeping skills just because I hadn't done this chore. More than that, I hope that he was there at my house to pray for our friend, not to form judgments about me or gossip about the color of my bathtub's ring to his wife when he got home.

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