We are getting exited!

Thanks for sharing! I read your entire blog, and look forward to the rest. In addition to going off the grid, do you plan to grow your own food? Have a few animals for eating?
Well, that is pretty much what brought me here. We plan on 6 or 8 hens, a large garden, a compost pile to combat our horid clay soil, and maybe a couple of rabbits. We used to homestead when our daughters were being raise. When they were off to college, we moved to a small town and just pretty muched worked. Now, it is time to go back to the simple life we once loved in the country! :)
I know windmills have a large initial start up cost but are worth it. I know for us, living in the country, our power goes out quite frequently in the winter. Windmills would be saintly. Imagine having swine flu and horrid diahrea and no power to flush the toilet for an entire day. Bout killed me! lol
hickoryhollow, can I ask where you got your towers? We have all the necessary parts for a wind turbine, but no tower. We live near New Concord, OH. Go past Bolivar quite often. Hubby researched for months and slowly acquired all the parts. We are ready now to mount them and at least cut our electric bill.
We got the towers free from craigs list. There were old TV towers FREE for taking them down. Sometime traveling through, get hold of us. We would love to meet you and give you a tour. (The entire tour lasts about 3 minutes! lol)
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Thanks Tim, I will be out in LALA land until around the 1st week of July. Can't wait to get home. Guess I should check craig's list more often. Mom turns 90 on July second. Her health is very bad due to congestive heart failure. Don't know whether she will make it to her birthday or not. Just have to see. We would love to meet you too.
ahhhh that font color is much better... thanks, it's much easier to read!

I love the back splash in the kitchen, which, btw, the kitchen is also very sweet!

Pex, I hope has gotten better. It used to have issues with the connection fittings leaking when it first came out. But, that stuff is way easier to thread about and quicker to install, no risk of fire etc. Good way to go!
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I know windmills have a large initial start up cost but are worth it. I know for us, living in the country, our power goes out quite frequently in the winter. Windmills would be saintly. Imagine having swine flu and horrid diahrea and no power to flush the toilet for an entire day. Bout killed me! lol

I don't want to imagine that.......no........not at all!!!
I love it but I got alot of storage things...I love my kitchen which it is a gallery and made of the SAME cabinets but mine was stained brown. I forward your blog to hubby!

I have to have the first floor ranch type. Stairs will kill me and my knees. I don't see the wash area, shower....pic if you haven't or not done yet.

I'm so impressed! How can ONE little stove heat up the entire house? How would one keep pipes freezing?

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