We have chicks!!!!!!!

I am not sure what any of the breeds are but the chipmunky looking one is really cute. They were eggs from what the lady called mutts. They are all so adorable! :fl Fingers crossed they are girls.

I took the picture when I took them out of the nesting box out. It was a forced outing. She has been in the nesting box for 5 days. She would eat out of my hand a bit but not drink water. I also knew she had to be backed up. She's such a sweet mom.... that was until she let out the broody poop bomb. :barnieI have no words to describe the smell. Literally it was like the sewage gutter had exploded. I was finally getting used to it when another wave of smell hit me... she had pooped again! They were mini mountains!!

Luckily she ate and drank, stared down some of the other hens (that were on the other side of the fence) and then basically looked at me and said... put me back in the box.

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