We have our chicks!

Strange thing happened!
I went to the feed store and bought a red light and a big pack of wood shavings. When I got home the pecking had reduced some but one was definately being a menace.
I changed the clear bulb to the red one and all hell broke loose!
They alll freaked and ran away from it, then after huddling as far as possible from the light they all started attacking each other!
They were peeping loudly and the two Bards were grabbing the other chicks eyes and dragging them, it was horrible!

I turned off the light and they all froze. I put the clear light back in and they all went running for the light.
It was amazing!
I added a good inch or two of shavings and they ALL have been calm and content ever since.

I have no idea what happened or what that was all about!
Congratulations! They are really cute! The guy at TSC told me to just go ahead and do away with the paper towels and let them be on the shavings. We did that this afternoon and they seem to be just fine with several inches of shavings. I put quite a bit of Sweet PDZ under the layer of Pine shavings. Mine are sprawled all over the brooder and seem to be doing great. Only one pasty bum so far.
Enjoy those beautiful babies!
Weird about red light, thats all I've ever used. It supposed to be calming. Our house looks like Red light district from the outside.
Enjoy them at this stage, they grow so fast. Mine are a month old and have changed so much. I have handled mine alot so they come to me and hop on my hand. I have used both red and white lights it did not make a differance to them.
Don't return the red light! As they get a little older - - you may have to try the red light again.

Mine did better with the red light than the white. I had some pickers - and they thought the white specks on others were food.

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