We have ticks help!

Permethrin should work on the chickens and their coop and run. There's no egg withdrawal with permethrin either, a good thing. Frontline and other wonderful products are meant and labeled for dogs and cats, NOT chickens, so don't use it on them!
Get out there at night when they are roosting, with a small flashlight, and if possible a helper, and spray each bird right off the roost. Way easier and less difficult than having a rodeo during the day!
And wear shoes or boots, jeans, and insect repellant yourself when out there! All ticks can carry multiple nasty diseases that you can get, not nice.
Your dogs and cats need to have either an oral or topical medication to keep safe from them too.
If there's an attached tick on you, do NOT apply anything to it, as then the tick will squirt 'juice' into you, the exact thing you are trying to avoid. Use a 'tick remover' or tweezers to grab the tick at skin level and pull it off, then kill it.
Miserable little critters!
Save one in plastic, and ID it, you can look them up online.
If you want to go natural non toxic you can use Pure Poultry Davis poultry spray from tractor supply you have to order it. It comes in a concentrate or in a spray bottle ready to use.
Permethrin should work on the chickens and their coop and run. There's no egg withdrawal with permethrin either, a good thing. Frontline and other wonderful products are meant and labeled for dogs and cats, NOT chickens, so don't use it on them!
Get out there at night when they are roosting, with a small flashlight, and if possible a helper, and spray each bird right off the roost. Way easier and less difficult than having a rodeo during the day!
And wear shoes or boots, jeans, and insect repellant yourself when out there! All ticks can carry multiple nasty diseases that you can get, not nice.
Your dogs and cats need to have either an oral or topical medication to keep safe from them too.
If there's an attached tick on you, do NOT apply anything to it, as then the tick will squirt 'juice' into you, the exact thing you are trying to avoid. Use a 'tick remover' or tweezers to grab the tick at skin level and pull it off, then kill it.
Miserable little critters!
Save one in plastic, and ID it, you can look them up online.
frontline may not say for poultry but believe me it’s safe and there’s other products we use that are off labeled that are safe for poultry. It really is good stuff and not as bad as some of the approved dips and sprays. Just my exp.
The difference between drugs approved for pets that aren't in our food chain, and livestock including poultry, that we do eat, and their eggs, is about having drugs entering our food supply. And a lot of products deemed safe in years gone by, have had issues turn up after years of use.
Most of us have our own chickens because we do want to know where our food comes from, and there would be a huge stink if a commercial producer was found to use unapproved product!
I hear ya Mary, I’m 58 have had the same breed of chickens over 35 years and I don’t eat there eggs or butcher for meat. I’m a preservationist and I’ve picked up a thing or two. I don’t give antibiotics and my chickens rarely if ever get sick.
A better pic. We treated the yard , coop and sprayed under the wing with permethrin 10 🤞🏻

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