We lost a barred rock - splay leg

It sounds like you have the temps adjusted now.

I'm sorry that your chick died. Sometimes when one has leg issues they fail to thrive.

The Wyandotte that is having problems now - is she pooping? Get some photos in natural lighting of her poop.
I'd continue to get her hydrated and see if she will eat some wet mushy feed.
Poultry Nutri-Drench like you have been giving is good stuff for a quick uptake. Give her 2-3 drops twice a day. I'd be inclined to get a bottle of human B-Complex and give to the ones that are not doing all that well. PND does not contain B2(Riboflavin) which is helpful leg health.

Hopefully things will turn around for you.
Yes we do, but we have given them plenty of room to get to the part of the brooder that is about 80 degrees.
Here's the setup

I would definitely get rid of the heat lamp and just keep the heat panel. Anything above 95 is too hot.
As for the weak chick, you can also try mixing the electrolyte (or nutri drench) mixture with some egg yolk. I had a chick with splay leg who lived on the egg yolk/electrolyte mixture for 2 days before eventually eating normal chick crumble (she’s now a healthy gorgeous laying salmon faverolles hen). I fed her with a little syringe (no needle). I carefully dripped the mixture on the side of her beak and she drank it on her own so she wouldn’t aspirate. I gave her about .3ml every hour or so.
Cooked egg yoke? We'll try that, since I don't want her getting too weak from not eating or drinking.

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