We need everyones prayers please.( results on page 7) already

Lymph nodes? Will absolutely pray for her... let's pray that her nodes are swollen due to some viral, or bacterial even, infection her body is fighting. There is power in prayer, I do believe!
I took my 15 year old daughter to the doctor this year with swollen lumph nodes in her head, neck and her collar bone area. That one was the scary part because the doctor said they are area specific and in the collar bone area deals with the lungs. We prayed and trusted and all of the tests were negative and the lymph nodes went down. I will pray for Alyssa.
My son had a high white blood count and swollen lymph nodes in several different spots on his body last year also. My sister had also, within the last 3 months of this showing up on my son, been diagnosed with Lymphoma (cancer) so it scared the poo out of us! They ran some blood tests and had us come back the next week for a recheck. With lots of prayers and hope, everything turned out just fine. It turned out that he had a bacterial infection and was treated with antibiotics, thank heavens! The doctor did say that it was quite normal for lymph nodes to respond that way when you get a bacterial infection. Hopefully this is all that is wrong with your daughter. We will keep her in our prayers.

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