We Quit Cigarettes

My 'coop' is cardboard and my run is step in electric fence posts and orange plastic construction fencing. No way I am gonna enter that, but will save it for the worst coop contest!!
Shizzle sticks.
I should have started this one already.
I just haven't been able to. I will soon.
At first I thought I'd never make 10,000 steps in a day, but I did start thinking about it. The first day, first FB, we went to dinner at some relatives' rented holiday cabin. I walked around the campground while DH & his sister caught up. I didn't want to spoil all my exercise so I had only a hamburger, no bun & sides instead of a hot dog, generous servings of everything as most others were doing. Next day I got the 10K steps. It was easy! And it seemed to reduce my appetite.

I logged my food on the Fitbit ap too (obsessively). I later switched to My Fitness Pal. It's easy to out-eat any amount of exercise, so if you love eating as I do, it's super important to log EVERYTHING you eat. If you carry around a smart-phone, this is easy. MFP is very popular and most restaurant dishes are loggable on it. It integrates easily with the Fitbit ap.

I lost a good amount of weight in a week (common and most likely water weight. I knew this, but I allowed it to encourage me anyway.) I was so excited. I just couldn't stop. It was great. I NEVER could do that, never ever before. It has absolutely changed my life. I'm so much healthier now. 🥰🥰🥰 Come and join us!
I love you Cindy.
A friend I hadn't seen in about 10 years came over today. He was trying to get me to smoke some weed for old times' sake... not even a temptation for me anymore. But when he stepped outside to light a cigarette, it sparked an urge in me. I kept my mouth shut and overcame the temptation. It was hard, but I've made it this far already.
A friend I hadn't seen in about 10 years came over today. He was trying to get me to smoke some weed for old times' sake... not even a temptation for me anymore. But when he stepped outside to light a cigarette, it sparked an urge in me. I kept my mouth shut and overcame the temptation. It was hard, but I've made it this far already.
Wow.. You have really been tempted today.
A friend I hadn't seen in about 10 years came over today. He was trying to get me to smoke some weed for old times' sake... not even a temptation for me anymore. But when he stepped outside to light a cigarette, it sparked an urge in me. I kept my mouth shut and overcame the temptation. It was hard, but I've made it this far already.
You fight it you crazy woman you.

You fight Shannon.
I'd really like to take one drag right about now.

instead I just took three deep breaths and the temptation or want is gone..... Well it's not really gone but....
I should confess....
I did take one puff off of Js cigg the other day.
But I didn't like it much!! That made me happy.
Now...i could have easily kept going till I liked it. But.. I didn't wanna. I wanted to not like it.
I went to that no good friend's house last night.


I didn't smoke!!!! I did it!!
:bow :bow :bow :yesss::yesss::thumbsup:yesss::yesss::bow:bow:bow

I am SO HAPPY for you!!!


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