We Quit Cigarettes

Look how you apply.

:rolleyes: I know. Which is the whole point of why I said I kind of wanted to make it a contest.... obviously if it was a contest I would start lol I wouldn’t just enter and then purposely lose 😂

Do it. Make it a contest if that's what lights a fire under your ass. Go out and get a job in the garden center of your nearest Lowe's or Home Depot.

See? Someone actually gets it lol that was exactly what I was thinking. I would do it if I faced losing/was competing lol and thank you for supporting the idea haha

I know I’ve never actually given anyone a reason to think that I would ever actually get one or do anything cause frankly... it’s been forever and I still haven’t. And you’ve all tried the supportive/nice thing and that didn’t even work. So I totally get why anyone would stop thinking it was possible or ever gonna happen or whatever. I do. Hell, I’ve thought it myself sometimes :lau but even this was a tad unexpected. Didn’t think anyone actually thought this low of me or had totally stopped believing in me. :eek: :th :hmm

But, I mean, I totally get it. I do. It’s been like literal years and I still haven’t done it :lau :oops: but still. :eek: :th

It is possible lol

And I’m going to prove you all wrong. And win. Watch. Or at least get one.

That said though, I don’t think I’ll apply there but I’m going to apply to all the pet stores around (there are a lot), the grocery store down the street for the benefits, and possibly the movies, and idk where else yet.

P...the mini is going to have a job before you do.
:eek: :th :rant

Contest rules:
Get a job.
Must be over 30 hours per week.

Contestants so far:

Anyone else want to join?

The winner receives a real life prize...Kiki's choice.
I just edited my last post.

Wait... over 30 now!? I thought the original thing was just find one... any one!? :eek: :th

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