We Quit Cigarettes


Me: :barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie

I decided last month that I was going to try to do something I've never done before, quit smoking.

I knew I couldn't do it on my own so I got some medicine called Chantix. I tried Chantix about 10 years ago but I did not take it for the correct amount of time...I quit smoking but started back up after 3 months. I also do not remember it being this hard to quit back then.

I've been so worried about the side effects (I had one bad side effects last time) that I was not thinking about how hard today was going to be.

I have been on the medicine for a week with no bothersome side effects...that I was a nervous wreck about.

I have not smoked today and I really don't want to but geez I want to.:barnie:barnie:barnie
I am a 30 year smoker. I'm presently at day 36. Chantix has led the way and my willpower has done the rest. The urges will be there...be stronger. Good luck my friend!
I always get so mad what I'm walking into a store and there's people smoking in the front of it. It smells awful. I usually say loudly "So glad I quit because cigarettes smell nasty"

I had a nurse when I was hospitalized who smoked and every time she came near me I asked her if she just smoked. She was shocked I could tell. The smell doesn't wash off with soap, it stays on you.

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