We Quit Cigarettes

A few years ago, a rancher was trying to get rid of gophers on his property. He poured some kind of accelerant (gas, I think) down the gopher hole and lit a match. In some serious cosmic karma, the now-on-fire gopher took off like a streak of sh*t, ran under the guys barn and burnt that mother to the ground.

Your inspirational meme reminded me of that :gig

Sausage is the worst way to cook alligator. Its gross and slushy. Never eat alligator sausage. And the worst part is, in a place called the French market here where all the tourists go that's the only way they sell it. So alot of peoples first impression of alligator is sausage and they think it actually taste that gross. Dont do the sausage. Do the fried or In a dish. Battered and fried is my favorite. Texture of chicken and taste just like frog legs. Also if cooking down then whatever part will be ok. Frying just use tail meat. Other meat will tend to be tuff so it's best cooked down to tenderize
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Hope that all are hangin' in and making progress. You've all been heavy on my mind for the past couple of days. :hugs

Today has been a much better day for me. I actually got outside and mended some chicken pens, and did lots of things that I had been putting off. Even drained the nasty duck pool. :lol:
The tingling is wearing off, but the dizziness is still there, a bit. Kinda like I’m floating on a raft in the pool, after a couple stiff drinks, ya know? But I dare not drink any alcohol right now. Lol
But then again.... hmmmm

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