We Quit Cigarettes

I should head to bed now -- it is well after midnight where I live.
First, though, congratulations to Kiki for making it through day eighteen! You're doing great!
Second (going to bed can come after an encouraging post written after one o'clock in the morning), sleep well, ShannonR, and good luck with day two. This reset is just that: A reset, not a total loss that will be impossible to gain back. You can regain that progress -- you can do it!
Third (yeah, sleep's taking a backseat, but it'll be tended to soon), good luck to you too, webbysmeme! You'll probably be seeing this in the morning, so I hope that you had a good night's rest and that you're feeling better today. Keep at it, you can make it through this!
Okay, that's all. I'll see (well, hear from) you guys later.
Good night, everybody!

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