We saved an osprey from the grips of a clam. (Video)


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
newport news va
::YouTube link a few post down::

As we were birdwatching on Saturday in Virginia beach. We came across an Osprey struggling in the water. We were thinking he was caught on the fishing line or some other trash. A kayaker just happened to be passing by and was able to scoop him up onto the bow of her kayak with her paddle. She brought him over to us and we were able to remove the clam from his talon. It was a pretty amazing experience.


Afterwards he jumped back onto her kayak, dried off for a minute and then flew away.
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Talk about freak accidents! That is one lucky bird - someone who could reach him, someone with the presence of mind to know what to do.

Great job!
Wow, that's amazing, thanks for posting the youtube link! Poor bird looked exhausted, I wonder how long that clam was on there? And I now think clams are kind of creepy...

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