We will miss you Deerman

I do believe Deerman is having a field day at my coop. What little I know regarding peafowl was gained from him. For the past 4 years I have tried to hatch peachicks for a neighbor. Some years with success and some years not, but with Deerman always there to answer my questions. The first year all the eggs went in the incubator. 1 hatched, 3 others were fully formed and could not get out of the shell. The second year I placed half under a broody silkie and half in the incubator...silkie 3, incubator 1. Last year the silkie got all the eggs. Silkie 4 chicks.

This year I am sure Deerman is playing one of his jokes, as the silkie hen was happily sitting on her peafowl eggs for a week, only to be pushed off by a Polish hen. The polish has sat tight for week....this is far from normal for a polish. So Deerman, if this is you checking in....could you please make sure that Polish stays sitting....as it is rather amusing to watch?
Miss ya Burt.
I think he told my peas to stay out all night once just to give me a scare.
I hatched a peachick with a slipped tendon. I am pretty sure he could have told me how to fix it.
I tried to fix it, and made it worse.

Now everytime I see that little peachick hopping around, I think of Deerman, and how I wish he were here.
I don't have it in me to cull it.

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