weak chicken please help.


7 Years
May 15, 2014
I am located in middle ga. I have a hen that is about 8 or 9 months old. She is not holding up her wings up and walking like she id drunk. but she does have an appetite and is drinking. Unfortunately shortly after she drinks she spits it back up. She is keeping her head close to her body and has a large lump in front of chest. Not sure if that is because of how she is holding her head. This is day two and have not seen any improvement. All we have given her is duramicin in her water and some b12. Does anyone know what is wrong? Dehydration? Or disease. And anything i can do to get her energy back.
Some of her symptoms sound a little like Mareks disease, but she also sounds like she has impacted or sour crop. Impacted crop is big and hard, where sour crop is big and squishy possibly with a bad smell. It is possible to have sour crop with another disease. Water is very important with crop disease, and giving probiotics, and limiting whole grains. Massage the crop often, and feed only softmushy foods like eggs, feedmixed with water, and very small amounts of yogurt or buttermilk.
I treated it like it was impacted crop, sje is doing better not a full 100% but she is on the upside. Thanks

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