Wearing pjs ALL day long??

Our kids usually dont wear PJ's. They like to sleep in older shorts/leggings and shirts . When my oldest DD comes home from school the first thing she does is take her school clothes off and put on a pair of sweat pants and a shirt. This way we reuse clothing that is older or not matching. I really dont care if they sleep or lounge in plaid green shorts with a polks dotted shirts If they like it let them be happy. Even my DH has a huge stash of sweat pants and shirts. We just dress up when we go out or they go to work or school.
Thank you all. I really didn't realize (until you told me) that I was enabling her. I thought I was being the good grandma.. I had to work after our first child was born, and remember how hard it was--to get him up, dressed, fed, his bag packed and get to work on time for BOTH of us.. I guess I need to sit down with her and explain what I NEED for them.. I really don't think I am asking to much--BUT I have felt a little 'used' lately.. Thank you for all your advice, suggestions etc..

There are lots of days that I dress him in sweats and long/short sleeve tees, when we are staying here.. I didn't mean he had to be in jeans/dress pants and shirts/sweaters everyday. I use sweat/knit clothes because they are comfortable and easy to get up and down when we rush to the potty or he needs to go--as opposed to the footed one pc. pjs.... Dixie
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We'll be think of you and praying for you.
Well. Seeing as how around here I see grown ADULTS out at the WalMart, grocery store, doctors office, pumping gas and walking to any such place in their PJs. I think it is a disgusting trend of laziness.
I get ill seeing what some of the college kids around here go to class in.
I speak with an old college friend while I wait to get my daughter and I am always describing what these students are wearing. None of our professors would have let wearing pj's and sweat pants to class fly. We would have been told not to return dressed like trash. And we were at a community college! In fact he was kicked out of our accounting class one day for not taking the time to put on clean clothes. He had stayed the night with me and hadnt packed for it. To make matters "worse" the professor had seen us out together the night before.

I never had my daughter in PJs all day long. Even as an infant. I got up, she got up, and I dressed her for the day. Even if we were staying home.

As a former daycare provider though. I feel for you. I had one little girl that was dropped off daily, after having been fed breakfast. In her pjs with food all over her. I mean come on. Get up a bit earlier and feed and then put the kid in clean clothing. For a while I would wash/dry and fold the clothes because mom would send her with clean outfits. Then I got tired of being her laundry service as well. And stopped doing it. Luckily the girl was still too young to walk. But if she had been older we would not have been able to go anywhere because she wasnt dressed for play.
If you are providing daycare, you need to have a bag just like a daycare center would. That means a change of clothes, a snack and a drink. Your DIL should know what her child needs to eat during the day and provide it. He must eat lunch at home, and have drinks and snacks. You shouldn't have to tell her what she needs to bring for food.

That being said...an 18 month old being in jammies all day isn't that bad. If they are clean, if there is a change of clothes, if there are diapers. He is still a baby. In the winter he should have a coat and shoes, and when the weather warms up he will need outdoor play clothes. This might be a misunderstanding, at least in part. She knows you have clothes for the kiddo, so she doesn't bring a change. You said you would provide food, so she hasn't offered again.

It sounds like your parents were particularly uptight about clothes, and you are less so. If the worse things the kid encounters in life are all day jammies, and uncombed hair then life is pretty good. If the kids are happy, well cared for and loved, the appearances just aren't that important.

It might be that you all need to sit down and discuss what eaches expectations are, and responsiblities. It sounds like you have different values and priorites and talking about them calmly and nonjudgmentally will help clear the air. It sounds like you're building up a pile of resentment that might hurt your relationship.
mom's folly, I think her issue is more about not having clothes to change him into when he IS dirty, than about the actual pj's.

I agree, she's taking advantage of you. Tell her exactly what you need, she delivers, or you tell her to take him elsewhere for daycare. She's already getting free care and clothes, etc, from you. She'll not want to lose those benefits on TOP of having to pay for daycare.
The mother should be sending a change of clothes with him everyday. Maybe she will get the hint if you leave him in the pj's all day and send him home filthy. Just once. Or chang ehim back into the pj's before he goes home. Then at least you keep the clothes.

I never let my son run around in pj's all day unless it was a very stormy day and we couldn't get out. Then we would sit in front of the woodstove and watch Disney movies all day.
If it was me and I wasn't getting the clothes/shoes back like you said, then I would make sure he was back in what he came in before he returned home each evening. That way you can dress him how you'd like during the day and not have to worry about her not returning the clothing you purchased back to you!
Personally, I think you're wonderful for helping them and hopefully they will see that too! Good Luck!
Like Connie, we never used pjs on our kids. Of course, growing up in Florida, they didn't need those footed things and were much happier in shorts and tees. Never did let them run around in just a diaper, either. LOLOL both my granddaughters demand a change of clothes for even a tiny spot on their outfits!! Their mother was exactly the same way.

I know I have odd ideas, but to me "dirty" always equaled "unloved"--like they just weren't important enough for the extra effort or something. But like I said, I do know I've got some odd ideas.


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