Weather issues *URGENT*


8 Years
Jul 29, 2011
My chicks are about to hatch tomorrow and it is supposed to be cold and rainy all week long... should i give them a lamp or will mama keep them warm. also should i move them to a new location in the garage after all of them hatch or keep them in the confined area in the coop. the place in the coop is smaller than in the garage?? she is supposed to hatch 11 chicks. any reply helps
Not sure where you are, but I'm in coastal Waldo County. Chickens were hatchin' and raisin' there own in moderate weather long before humans dragged the first one out of the jungle.

Mama will take care of them just fine.
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I'd add a little heat just to be safe, better safe then sorry, right? If the chicks/mother act a little uncomfortable then you can remove the lamp, but I'd stick with using it at first to try things out. If you keep them in the coop then are the other chickens calm, any noticeable aggression from them? There are a lot of variables that could change whether or not it is safer to keep them in the garage or coop.

Sorry for not being of much help.
I'm new to chickens this spring. I just hatched my first with a momma and two more are in the incubator right now. All the stress I had about the other chickens killing it, it staying warm, eating, drowning in water dish etc. are gone. THE MOM DOES IT ALL!!! She hatched 7/28 and the mom just took her outside this weekend. I didnt know how she was moving her but the baby is under her wing or on her back...I just learned they do this. I was wondering how baby was getting into the top nesting box or in the tote I was keeping them in. It's amazing watching how momma takes care of her baby and interacts with it. This baby is in a coop of 40 grown chickens and she's just walking around. Amazing!

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