Webcam in chicken coop

That is great! I love the pig-pile sleeping arrangement.
Totally cool!!! They were sleeping when I stopped in, so I left as quietly as I could.
Didn't want to wake up the little sweeties!

I'm going to stop in tomorrow and see how they're doing! What breeds are in that pile? How many? How old are they now? Yup! I'll definitely be back tomorrow to check on them. Who can resist little chickies? Certainly not I!
This batch there are 33 of them 32 RIR and one odd ball I just posted about of the RIR's 30 are hens and two roosters and the odd ball is a rooster. I even know which ones of the RIR are roosters by watching how its made. Search on youtube for hatchery chickens.
Hehe.. there are a bunch of them. What I liked is they are running around back and forth in a big group... but there is one chick in the middle that is enjoying its sunbath rather than joining in on the others mindless games...

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