Week old chicks sneezing and a few sound croupy any advice?


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2016
I purchased 15 Cornish Rocks and 7 Production Reds last week at Tractor Supply and nigjt before last after cleaning the brooder and putting in fresh shavings i noticed they were sneeIng and a couple cornish rocks sound raspy. I started Duramycin 10 last night. Any advice?
You may wish to try an alternative bedding - could be allergic. I'd also suggest adding vitamin supplements / electrolytes to their drinking water as this will help boost their immune system in case its viral or bacterial.

All the best
I purchased Tylan 50 today and gave all 22 chicks a shot subcutaneous all but 5 were sneezing with 2 Cornish Rocks and one Production Red were seriously croupy. Praying I got it in time. I will update on their progress.
Well most all the chicks are bouncing around and acting like they should. The Tylon 50 did the number an them. Still have three a bit croupy but they are all still eating and drinking as if nothing was wrong. Thank goodness for me. I will let you know in a few days an update on their progress. Oh, I did call the Hatchery but they never called me back. The receptionist was kind enough to try to give me ideas of what to try. I have already tried what she said except the oxytetracycline.
Just got a call from Townline Hatchery in response to the sick chicks from their Hatchery. Said I'm doing everything right must of caught their cold during shipping. Hoping for the best.

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