Week old goslings together with three week old goslings?

sometimes you can mix younger goslings with older ones, but I’ve seen the smallest get bullied a little bit. Then they tend to stay smaller longer because they can’t compete at the feed trough and get their fill. Sometimes it’s best to maintain them as separate gosling gaggles and then once fully feathered merge into one flock… errr I mean gaggle :)
Hey y’all, I have 4 three week old goslings, and was wondering if you can keep week olds with them or if they might get injured. Any feedback is appreciated!
Mama hatched 2 babies and 1 died a week later. A week later, I brought home 6 goslings (4 to 6 weeks old) olds and they didn't pick on the baby. But I think it's because the parents kept everyone in check. Everyone was accepted and all lived together the same week. Maybe it's different if it was hatched artificially and there are no parents to keep them in line.

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