Weird dead chicks.


11 Years
Oct 4, 2012
Huntsville Texas
Chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Several different breeds. Yesterday about sunset I moved them from my first house to a coop at my new house. Coop was inspected by me & adult son (inherited with the property). There are no gaps or holes that we could see.

This AM I checked on chicks. All there & accounted for. Eating fine, scrambling for mealworms, had 2 waterers.

Between 9-ish & 3-ish when I checked on them again I found a dead chick. Between 6 & 10pm when I JUST checked them -- another dead chick.

The chicks are completely whole, seem uninjured, & no blood. Just lying on the straw on the coop floor. They look "wet" around the head/neck area though. The waterers are 1 standard chicken waterer & 1 nipple waterer. No way for them to get into water & coop is completely dry. They were both lying near the middle of the floor, not in a nest box or under a perch.

All chicks seem alert, drinking & eating well, & hopping up into the nest boxes. No sickly-looking ones. 2 different breeds were dead. No change in food or methods of feeding.

Any ideas? I'm baffled.
Check for little bite marks under the wings or on the neck. Kind of like little "vampire" marks. That would likely be a weasel. Sometimes that's all they do - bite the neck or under the wing and lap up the blood. I lost a dozen 6-week olds in one night that way. (I discovered them when asked to show my chickens to a guest who had never been on a farm before! :eek:)
I dont understand why my peeps look like they have been stomped on. They are just Flat. I have them in a horse trough. with the lamp at one end the food in the middle and the water at the opposite end from the heat. There are only 6 or 7 peeps in this big area. I'm stumped.
I dont understand why my peeps look like they have been stomped on. They are just Flat. I have them in a horse trough. with the lamp at one end the food in the middle and the water at the opposite end from the heat. There are only 6 or 7 peeps in this big area. I'm stumped.

I'm sorry for your loss.
How many did you start with and how many are left?

That is odd...any photos of your set-up?
If you have photos of the stomped on chicks you can add those too - just put "warning graphic".
Just asking questions here...anyone have access to the brooder where possibly they got in and chicks were stepped on?
Chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Several different breeds. Yesterday about sunset I moved them from my first house to a coop at my new house. Coop was inspected by me & adult son (inherited with the property). There are no gaps or holes that we could see.

This AM I checked on chicks. All there & accounted for. Eating fine, scrambling for mealworms, had 2 waterers.

Between 9-ish & 3-ish when I checked on them again I found a dead chick. Between 6 & 10pm when I JUST checked them -- another dead chick.

The chicks are completely whole, seem uninjured, & no blood. Just lying on the straw on the coop floor. They look "wet" around the head/neck area though. The waterers are 1 standard chicken waterer & 1 nipple waterer. No way for them to get into water & coop is completely dry. They were both lying near the middle of the floor, not in a nest box or under a perch.

All chicks seem alert, drinking & eating well, & hopping up into the nest boxes. No sickly-looking ones. 2 different breeds were dead. No change in food or methods of feeding.
Have you got them free ranging?
Not yet. I wanted them to spend at least 2 nights in the coop so they'd recognize it as home. I'm letting them out today but it's an enclosed area as well as roofed with tarp & netting. I'll let you know if anymore are dead today.
Here are the chicks this morning. No losses last night.


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Glad to hear you have no more losses.

Cute chicks! I would have to agree with @bobbi-j something like a weasel could be the culprit. I love the old wood of your run ( I assume that is in your photo), is this where they are kept at night too? Or do they have a secured coop (with hardware cloth) for nighttime?

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