WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)


GLAD I found this Forum. The above one was y-day the upper 2, today. She's Completely free range now. WAS in a cage lil bigger than a bread box with ANOTHER HEN, where I picked her up. Think they mail ordered all theirs but NO IDEA. She has some bald spots, her neck where she had her head out of cage, but Feather fixer is doing wonders. Any idea if these are good to eat? What else she may have going on I need to tend to?
Oh, She's a RIR, about a year old.
GLAD I found this Forum. The above one was y-day the upper 2, today. She's Completely free range now. WAS in a cage lil bigger than a bread box with ANOTHER HEN, where I picked her up. Think they mail ordered all theirs but NO IDEA. She has some bald spots, her neck where she had her head out of cage, but Feather fixer is doing wonders. Any idea if these are good to eat? What else she may have going on I need to tend to? Oh, She's a RIR, about a year old.
Sure you can eat it....shouldn't be anything wrong with the inside.
Just a glitch in the shell gland, probably won't happen again...I did have a hen lay those all winter one year, then they stopped.

GLAD I found this Forum. The above one was y-day the upper 2, today. She's Completely free range now. WAS in a cage lil bigger than a bread box with ANOTHER HEN, where I picked her up. Think they mail ordered all theirs but NO IDEA. She has some bald spots, her neck where she had her head out of cage, but Feather fixer is doing wonders. Any idea if these are good to eat? What else she may have going on I need to tend to?
Oh, She's a RIR, about a year old.
They are fine to eat. Every once in awhile I will get an egg like that.
They are fine to eat. Every once in awhile I will get an egg like that.

Thank you ever so much. I'VE only a few left, Need to make cookies, Zucchini bread today. Really cannot afford to 'let one go'.
*Course the cookie monsters won't know the difference...*
So, you get a freaky one, now and then? I never did with my Sexlink, Leghorn, or the Plymouth Rocks, last 4-5 yrs. COURSE, my memory is about as long as I am tall...
. Live & Learn I guess, live and learn.
I don't get a odd egg very often but every once in a great while I do. Last month was the month for fart eggs. There was one week when I got a few.

Every once in awhile I will find a cracked egg. If the membrane hasn't been broken through I stick the eggs in the freezer and then if I need an egg I take one out of the freezer. The eggs will crack when frozen so I put them in a little cup that apple sauce comes in. The eggs are frozen when they crack so nothing oozes out.
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