Weird or Old Home Remedies

Cousin was at the hospital an ended up talking to a family that had a kid with a bad case of colic. The kid had had it for 6 months an the doctors were lost as to what to do. Cousin called our grandmother who told a story of her uncle rubbing chewed tobacco on her belly out of sight of her mom to cure her of colic as a baby. Cousin passes the story along to the family at the hospital. Later that week the family tracked down my cousin to thank him saying that it worked an they had a content kid for the first time in 6 months.

Ive did the smoke in the ear thing many times, it works.
Same with the tobacco in a sting.

I still have a bottle of off the shelf rock candy cough medicine. Its a bottle full of rock candy an the label says to add whiskey an let it dissolve then drink as needed.
Dug out my jar of rock candy. It says to mix one slice of orange an one slice of lemon with the rock candy in the jar an fill the jar with whiskey to make "Rock an Rye" cough remedy. Dryden & Palmer, Inc. Dated 1880.

It also say you can dissolve rock candy in warm milk for kids.

They say Shakespeare talks about rock candy medicine in "Henry IV"
My great grandma put bacon on our chests when we were sick, not sure what the reasoning was. Maybe she just wanted us to smell like bacon.
She also used to make us eat a clove of garlic each day, maybe the bacon was to cover the stink of the garlic breath.
She used baking soda paste on stings.
She also left spaghetti sauce out from the night she cooked it, until it was gone. Said the fat would keep it sealed. No cases of food poisoning ever reported.
This was a woman who smoked two packs a day, and drank a glass of red wine with breakfast and dinner. She was in perfect health until she fell down the steps and broke her hip, causing a nasty infection in her leg.
Here's another,
My grammy used to say to cure a sore throat, wrap a dirty wool sock around your neck. That you needed to find out which color worked for you. Her color was red.

Imp- She also used to eat soap; so I would take her advice with a grain of salt.
garlic can actually burn the skin if you aren't careful (I've tried it) burns. I got blisters on my feet from that, walking was painful without shoes.

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