Weird or Old Home Remedies

I have been wondering about Imp's grandmother from a previous post in which he said his grandmother cooked with soap.
She must have had a reason. constipation remedy?

I need more info from the taciturn and succinct Imp.
you can't just say those things and leave us to wondering.

Palmolive? Joy? dawn?
purposely? just didn't rinse the dishes well?
Tired of you kids eating all her food?
I grew up with my grandmother in Spain, she was a midwife and she used many natural remedies...

I remember as a child my little brother use to get worms a lot, maybe cause he was always eating dirt and just about anything he could put in his grandmother would give him a TBSP of ACV in the am and one before bedtime. It worked!!

For severe scrapes an burns she would wash a bunch of potatoes and then shred the skins only, she would apply to wounds and wrap with gauze. When my big brother was run over and dragged by a motorcycle for over a mile we went though a lot of gauze and potatoes but he healed with no scars and apart from his broken arm and leg the road burns went away really quickly. she used that method on me when I fell down three flights of concrete stairs.

Olive oil and cayenne pepper infusion (left in the sun for a week) in a glass jar for sore muscles, or pulled muscles. I have used this on my dh, it does work.

raw honey in warm milk to soothe a child into sleep.

watermelon juice for constipation in children, small glass is sufficient, tastes great and there is no cramping.

vicks vapour rub behind ears for sore throat and ear pain.

cognac rub on the gums for tooth pain, or a shot for hypothermia.

a tbsp of rubbing alcohol in warm water foot bath to bring down severe fever slowly.

there is a whole lot more she use to use but I cannot remember them all.

I do remember that she used to treat undernourished and sickly children with an organic raw egg mixed with a glass of milk, the area we grew up in had a lot of families living in severe poverty, hence we always had other children at our house for meals or she would make extra and we would take it up to their homes to feed their families, and everything we had that no longer fit would be distributed to these families.
When I worked in a welding shop in my early 20's, I was told that if I ever "burnt" my eyes because of the welding flare, to use potato. Sure enough I woke up one night and my eyes were on fire. I grated a potato and squeezed the juice into my eyes. Then I made a poultice of the grated potato and laid it on my eyes and went back to sleep. When I woke up my eyes knew they had been burned, but the pain was minimal and I recovered quickly.
My first hubby was as country as a turnip ('bout that smart, too), and his Grandmother would pee in a cup and pour it in his ear for infections, it would clear it up. I told him to stop a cough at work, to take ex-lax. I mentioned the turnip, right?
Great stuff! I know some of these are repeats:

My mom used to blow cig smoke in our ears for earache, too. I'm sure it was just the warmth that helped, as it would with urine, but...
We grew up in Florida so always had swimmer's ear mix in the drug cabinet = (peroxide and cider vinegar). The H2o2 helped dry out excess water and the pectin helped it to not dry too much. Also, a couple drops of warm sweet oil stopped the ache.

I just can't go with the urine in the ear thing, tho. It's sterile when it leaves the body, but the bacteria then double every 30 minutes! I do use it in the garden to discourage pests. Helps keep moles at bay.

Cider vinegar for a sunburn. You smell like a warm salad, but really takes the burn out and keeps ya' from peeling.

Thick potato peel to draw out splinters. (We were ALWAYS barefoot!)

Ginger for stomach ache. Works!

Meat tenderizer for bee/wasp stings. It dissolves the stinger. Also works for jelly fish, and we were actually taught the urine thing in Navy Hospital Corps School for sea critter stings, but only as a last resort. We kept a jar of Adolphs in the ER poison locker...

Listerine for almost ANYTHING, but it's gotta be the hardcore brown stuff!
I keep a bottle in my camping kit for cuts, scrapes, sore throats, foot rot...

I've heard the kerosene things for years, but a neighbor used it on her cat for mange and the cat shrieked, ripped her up a bit and was never seen again...

Yogurt or buttermilk to help re-establish normal stomach flora after vomiting/diarrhea. We used yogurt on a litter of pups that had all gotten Parvo back when it first came out and before the immunization was available (early 80's). We saved half the litter, which was a much higher rate than any other vets in the area...

Whiskey and honey for a cough. O yeah!! Got the hot water on right now!!

Clove oil (eugenol) or a wet teabag for a toothache.

Great thread! I worked in the medical field for over 29 years, and I firmly believe we are, at times, medicating ourselves to death...
I have lots and lots of natural remedies, I have used the ones below myself and not one has failed me so far, these are some of my favorites:

For stuffed nose, sinus, or congested lungs I use dragon's blood (the sap of certain species of Dragon trees, the genus is Dracena and it includes plants like lucky bamboo which isn't a bamboo at all but looks like one) mix it with a small amount of winter green and put the paste on your upper lip. Clears all that congestion right up and smells good too. You can buy the dragon tree sap at a lot of natural food stores, and some even sell "Dragons Blood" which is already mixed for you. The only problem with this is it only clears the symptoms, if you have something like a sinus infection or asthma it will relieve the immediate symptoms but you still need to be treated for the cause.

For motion sickness or any sort of nausea soak a cotton ball or paper towel with rubbing alcohol and sniff it, it will take the nausea away immediately. This is also a great way to avoid feeling nausea while on chemo for cancer treatments. Keep sniffing until the nausea is gone when you remove the cotton ball.

for a bee sting or rattle snake bite use hot water, as hot as possible without burning the skin. Both of these venoms are proteins and the hot water denatures them, helping stop pain and the spread of the venom. Think egg whites, they are protein like the venom, put them in a pan and add heat and it goes from thick runny liquid to a solid very quickly. By the way, there is no such thing as a poisonous snake, all of them can be eaten, but there are venomous snakes so watch out around the woodpiles this summer.

As far as urine on any type of jellyfish sting, it is the ammonia that kills the pain by stopping the unfired nematocysts from firing and it also denatures the toxins in the harpoon. Any type of 4o-9 or cleaning product with ammonia works much quicker and better then urine.
The story actually fits right into this thread. And no not a constipation remedy, and I rarely saw her as we lived in Alaska and she lived in Santa Clara, Ca.

Grammy was a bit loony. Lovable, but off. I think it was because she was a psychiatric nurse back in the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Maybe it rubbed off. (Think about what mental hospitals would have been like back then.) She had the best horror stories about work. What was scary is that they were true.

Well, in her 50's she got into selling Shaklee products. Had her house full of it, but rarely sold any. For those who don't know Shaklee, it was door to door household cleaning products. One of the products was "basic H" a liquid soap. Somewhere grammy got it into her head that using this soap was a cure all for everything. So she washed with it, shampooed with it, brushed her teeth with it, did laundry with it, dishes too, and you all know where this is going. She ate it, raw on her food and/or cooked into the food.

So there's another remedy for you, eat soap- it is a panacea.

I remember being in Ca. for my 9th birthday and watching her put that stuff in my birthday cake. Best birthday gift I got was the flu. Too sick to eat that cake.


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