Weird orange poop?

I'm so glad I have the BYC to refer to. One of my chickies had that orange poo and I remembered the link to the "poo chart" and it is normal. Phew!! Bumping this up for other first time chickie momma's like me.
Oh my gosh, I love this place! Nowhere else could I feel so at home with my delight at finding a chicken poo chart -- with pictures, no less.... That even trumps the baby poo chart I kept handy when my son was in diapers....
Oh my thank you for the posting of the "normal vs not normal" poop page because my chicken had shed intestinal lining in them today and i freaked come here and read its nothing to worry about :D Thanks everyone :)
What is the difference between the normal orangey ceacum poop vs the orangey "worm" poop in the abnormal section?
I am fully aware that this is an old thread, but I want to bump it in case anyone else is having the same questions. My chicks were having orange runny poop so I went into the feed store and bought probiotics per their recommendation as well as medicated chick food. I was frustrated and a little nervous about things when it wasn't clearing up. I spent a little under $20 for what looks like no reason at all as this is normal droppings. Here are my pixs. Check out the chart posted above, it is very helpful,

And this one the coloring is off but it's actually orange and not green.
Glad you chicks are okay, but people should be aware that the "chart" mentioned in this thread has some abnormal poops labeled as normal.

I have 3 young chickens, maybe 5 weeks old. They all look healthy and happy, eating away and peeping. However this morning I found a weird looking orange poop. They eat a natural chick starter and they have water. Is there anything I should be worried about?

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