Weird things only poultry people get.

Every time I come on the Forum I learn a new way that I am really woefully ignorant of all things chicken! I didn't even know that chickens HAD earlobes.:th
:welcome :frow Your not alone. I wonder how many people have repeated my DH's comment to people, White chickens=white eggs, brown chickens=brown eggs when he clearly knows that's not true.
I’ve been told free ranging is only when you have your chickens out in the fields fending for themselves. If you have a coop or any kind of yard it’s not free ranging.

My response: “we call that ‘predator buffet’; I don’t recommend it.”

My BS meter was already full for the day.:p
If they would do a little research first they would know what "Cage Free, Free Range and Pastured" really mean. I have cage free,free ranged/pastured my birds years ago but lost too many to predators but now they have big pens and I haven't heard any complaints.

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