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kid 3 and 4 and I are in Dresden... my mom went by train to see a friend for the weekend. ... she will be back Monday night.

Soooooo... last night and this morning I went with the 2 kids to church. .. The closest Orthodox church ended up being Russian, not German... what a hoot. After service this morning I decided to buy a couple of prayer ropes from the church, and I wanted to give the church a hefty donation on top of that. :lau

I had replenished my monetary supply from my mom's stash... I had just grabbed 2 50s.

Soooo... I picked out what I wanted... but the lady at the sale table knew zero German or English. .. had to find someone to translate.... finally got the 2 things that I wanted off of the display... and I handed them a 50 (what i wamted to buy was 20 total), and told them that they could keep the change.

Well.... the translator handed the money back and said, "no, no Franks". I had tried to pay in Franks. :rolleyes: Luckily I had a 20euro as well..... yep.... no donation for the church. :rant And as we drive back to our apartment, and I am wondering WHY mom mom had franks!! And didn't the French go to Euro 20 years back now.. and. .. as I am thinking how nice that I am getting the hang of city driving. .. I ....

1. try to drive into on coming traffic. :rolleyes:
I was looking directly at the traffic light, that was GREEN, but that light meant that after crossing the intersection, I could cross the tram line because no tram was coming. It turned out that a NOT as easy to see traffic light was the one that told me when to cross the intersection. :barnie It is OK...we didn't die.

2. A bit later I started to turn down a tram line area. :rant Luckily, no one was behind me.. so I could stop, BACK UP IN A BUS :rolleyes: and then go forward on the car road. :barnie

So glad that the car is now PARKED!!!!! :th

By the way... it turns out I didn't try to hand over antique French Franks... they were current tender Swiss Franks.

Whatever.... :th

Now we just finished going through the trash... they sort things very oddly here, and here you MUST sort.... I think we got it right... we will just try to dump it when no one is looking... that will work. :gig

I love your posts! They're always so honest & terrifying & funny & cringe worthy & usually have a happy ending. Be safe out there Al, you're irreplaceable! :hugs

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