Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Can you post a picture of its cere? The colored area above the beak?

Edit: Oh lol, looks like you had a run-in with the one who called everyone else a know it all while saying they know more about budgies than an entire forum of budgie breeders. The one that has a youtube channel that's all slow motion animal mating videos.

Not saying that they're wrong about your budgie, because they could be right. It does seem that they breed budgies so I do hope that they know how to sex them :p
Ah...ok. well I'd much rather let you guide me if that's ok with you! :lau:fl
So at the beginning of my journey here on the pond I was asked if we are hillbillies, rednecks or ridgerunners..... When K and his DW came for their visit it was determined by the two of them that we are ridgerunners. Why, I'm still not sure, as we don't make moonshine nor do we run it! :lau
So if someone could be so kind as to explain what it is that makes us ridgerunners I would greatly appreciate it!:lau:lau:lau

Ooooh Moonshine. :weeThat might be a nice new hobby for you. I'm told my grandpa used to run bootleg whiskey.

Very simple really . A hill is a bump that surrounds mountains . Or stands alone on a plain . Hillbilly refers to one that lives in very hilly country . A mountain has on the other hand ridges that lead to the peaks that very often a ridge line themselves . Ridge runners live and use the ridge lines to travel the mountains . Some ridges are narrow some are broad . But they stay on the ridge line as a rule . Ridge sides are steep going down is easy getting back up is a b itch. Now who handed out these labels I'm not sure but most likely city folks :lau and don't worry your really a swamp rat what found some high ground :lau:hugs:hugs

So I guess this makes me a City Hillbilly? :idunno

Thanks! I am so blessed. The picture warms my heart when I look at it.

I've always loved this picture too! :love

I posted pics of my new budgie on a budgie thread and apparently I have a female,not a male.:idunno:th
@Pyxis @WVduckchick or anyone else who can help...please help?:fl

Forgive my lack of proper terminology, but males have the pretty blue on the top of the beak & females have the neutral color. I don't know if they are born with their beak color or if they have to grow into it.

Have you thought of a name yet? Miss Lemon? Lady Chiffon? Sunny? Meringue? Starburst? Sunflower? Saffron?
....I'm just mad about Saffron. Saffron's mad about me. ;)
Hubby and I are out on our late Valentine's day date in Springfield today. It is flooding like crazy! We are nuts to even be out today.
Oh well. . every other nut is out too.
Sitting at a fancy burger joint now waiting on food.
Went to the lawn and garden show at the fair grounds and it was shoulder to shoulder people in there! Would've been fun but I don't like being a sardine. Didn't stay too long. . waste of 10 bucks basically.
Going to harbor freight after this. . that will probably be more fun than the show was :lau
Edit: Oh lol, looks like you had a run-in with the one who called everyone else a know it all while saying they know more about budgies than an entire forum of budgie breeders. The one that has a youtube channel that's all slow motion animal mating videos.

Oh no! not them!!! :barnie:he

Lisa I think your bird is androgynous. :lau
Looks like it's two-toned? With blue at the bottom and white around the nostrils? If so, I'd say girl. Males have an even-colored cere when young and females are more two-toned like that.
Ok, yes it's two-toned. Any idea of age?
Ooooh Moonshine. :weeThat might be a nice new hobby for you. I'm told my grandpa used to run bootleg whiskey.

So I guess this makes me a City Hillbilly? :idunno

I've always loved this picture too! :love

Forgive my lack of proper terminology, but males have the pretty blue on the top of the beak & females have the neutral color. I don't know if they are born with their beak color or if they have to grow into it.

Have you thought of a name yet? Miss Lemon? Lady Chiffon? Sunny? Meringue? Starburst? Sunflower? Saffron?
....I'm just mad about Saffron. Saffron's mad about me. ;)
We might give it a try, been told we have the perfect creek for it.:lau
Great names...I'm also thinking Daffodil!:D
Hubby and I are out on our late Valentine's day date in Springfield today. It is flooding like crazy! We are nuts to even be out today.
Oh well. . every other nut is out too.
Sitting at a fancy burger joint now waiting on food.
Went to the lawn and garden show at the fair grounds and it was shoulder to shoulder people in there! Would've been fun but I don't like being a sardine. Didn't stay too long. . waste of 10 bucks basically.
Going to harbor freight after this. . that will probably be more fun than the show was :lau

Be safe out there Shaw & try to enjoy. :hugs

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