Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

:fl She's not a scholar. She's an artist "in-the-rough". She was just fiddling around with an old piece of florist wire and produced this:View attachment 1356799

Nice !

Daughter once said, " When D and I were growing up, it was expected that we would go to college. What would you have done if we were not college 'material'?" I replied, "We would have helped you with whatever thing you were good at or loved and encouraged you to concentrate on that." Much like 'Al's' son my brain does not work like everyone else's (I know that surprises everyone), but I survived and succeeded. There is a path for everyone. Finding it just takes time.
Nice !

Daughter once said, " When D and I were growing up, it was expected that we would go to college. What would you have done if we were not college 'material'?" I replied, "We would have helped you with whatever thing you were good at or loved and encouraged you to concentrate on that." Much like 'Al's' son my brain does not work like everyone else's (I know that surprises everyone), but I survived and succeeded. There is a path for everyone. Finding it just takes time.
Well put Sour!!!! :love
That poor baby!!!:hugs I hate the cone of shame! We bought a face shield for one of our pugs when he needed eye surgery. He never wore it because he was too small & his pug face couldn't keep it on, but they're supposed to be a great alternative to the COS. If you think it would help her I would be happy to send it to you. We planned on donating it anyway.

Awww, thanks :hugs she only has to wear it for another 9 days and she seems to be adjusting to it pretty well. They did a good job of cutting and shaping so it was the best fit/least invasive to her ability to eat etc. I actually have one of those soft padded cones but the vet was afraid she would figure out how to get her foot around it (she's a real smarty) and one swipe would rip out the "rigging" used to keep the third eyelid over the eyeball. So far she hasn't had any real problem with the cone itself. More of a problem at this point for her is adjusting to the lack of depth perception. She keeps running into the back of my leg with the cone and can't judge to go up steps. The other thing is she's so short that when I have outside she keeps scooping up snow and twigs with the cone! :gig
Thank you so much for the offer, so nice of you, but by the time it arrived she might not need it anymore :fl
Nice !

Daughter once said, " When D and I were growing up, it was expected that we would go to college. What would you have done if we were not college 'material'?" I replied, "We would have helped you with whatever thing you were good at or loved and encouraged you to concentrate on that." Much like 'Al's' son my brain does not work like everyone else's (I know that surprises everyone), but I survived and succeeded. There is a path for everyone. Finding it just takes time.
Amen to that!
Our struggle always seems to be with what she's able to do versus what she wants to do. The fact that she's even considering (as of 4:11pm) going to college is huge! I've spent the better part of her high school experience telling (and showing) her she is completely equal to the tasks at hand. I'm hoping some day she grasps that, and then runs with it!
Going to Google some and then just change names/dates/courses/grades and see what I come up with. I don't even know if the local jc wants anything other than a diploma. I should probably find out...

Our JC needs transcripts for anything over 7 units. DH researched transcript formats in Dec. I'll ask him where he saved them. We wont need a diploma for another year, but that should be pretty easy to make up. Its those dang transcripts that are hanging over me like a black cloud. :oops:

I love the wire art! Frankie's an artist too & it blows my mind the stuff she comes up with. She's also been experimenting with wire. She got tired of waiting for me to buy some (ya know how it is when inspiration hits) & pulled apart a bunch of pipe cleaners to get some. The kid is AMAZING!!! :love

Awww, thanks :hugs she only has to wear it for another 9 days and she seems to be adjusting to it pretty well. They did a good job of cutting and shaping so it was the best fit/least invasive to her ability to eat etc. I actually have one of those soft padded cones but the vet was afraid she would figure out how to get her foot around it (she's a real smarty) and one swipe would rip out the "rigging" used to keep the third eyelid over the eyeball. So far she hasn't had any real problem with the cone itself. More of a problem at this point for her is adjusting to the lack of depth perception. She keeps running into the back of my leg with the cone and can't judge to go up steps. The other thing is she's so short that when I have outside she keeps scooping up snow and twigs with the cone! :gig
Thank you so much for the offer, so nice of you, but by the time it arrived she might not need it anymore :fl

No problem at all! Roo had to wear the COS for weeks. It was terrible. He couldn't snuggle with the other dogs, he couldn't navigate the porch steps & was constantly scooping up dirt & rocks. He'd sniff a bush & the branches would funnel right into his face. It was a miracle he didnt get the other eye poked out. :he
I hope she heals soon! :fl
Tomorrow is 'Take your kid to work' day. I've gotta go make sure they all have decent shoes & clean clothes to wear (no dear, you cant wear skulls, cut offs or poop covered flip flops to a corporate office.) I also need to make up a bunch of food that DH signed me up for, for their potluck lunch. I wont complain about spending hours making food that I wont actually get to eat, but I do hate sending them off for an hour+ drive in the crazy morning traffic. :barnie
My kids are behind in math too. :oops: But at least now they know how to do a proper field search of a dead body. :lau Do you think that bringing them down to the blood spot with me & having them pour the bottle of coke on it would count as science credit??? :confused:
Damn Straight.... writing a paper on it and why it works would be good too.

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