Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Chest is getting better, just occasional issues of 'well, don't do THAT again!', lol... knees, especially right one are still very bad... but he can't even recommend anything much less work on them cuz it wasn't ordered by the doc... going back to doc on the 8th for reevaluation...
Good deal on the chest issues. I'm glad it's getting better. I guess when it let's ya know not to do something it screams it at ya.. my rib on my left side does me..:hmm
Hope the doc will set something up for your knees. That's gotta suck big time..:hugs
Chest is getting better, just occasional issues of 'well, don't do THAT again!', lol... knees, especially right one are still very bad... but he can't even recommend anything much less work on them cuz it wasn't ordered by the doc... going back to doc on the 8th for reevaluation...
So they're trying to get you to where you can breathe normally, but not necessarily walk, huh? Sounds about right.
Next to one from a Swede or Pekin.
View attachment 1356230

very nice! I like it when the breeds are color coded. ;)

Like bobbi, I'm occasionally keeping up, just not as often, and don't have much to add, nor much time to type. LOL

I scooped a blob of Vaseline into a plastic baggie, poured in some Ivermec (no idea how much, really) squished it all together, and slathered it on their legs. Not heavy, but a good coating. I didn't even wash them first. I only did maybe 4-5 birds, one little cockerel and an older hen were the worst. They got maybe 3 treatments, with 3-5 days between treatments. I think I just did it twice on the other birds. Repeated when the Vaseline looked less tacky, depending on the weather and how much dirt they had rolled in.
For the coop, I swept out the old bedding, mixed some Gordons Permethrin in water, and sprayed inside once. Corners and edges especially. Left it open for the day to air out. New bedding put in before they went in for the night. Have not seen a problem since.

gotcha.... -sigh- I have so many chickens..... Might have to wait another week or two... trying to get the kids to finish school so that we can be done for the summer. :rolleyes: Poor kid 2 and 3 are SOOOOOO far behind in math.... :sick That will probably have to continue through the summer.
Chest is getting better, just occasional issues of 'well, don't do THAT again!', lol... knees, especially right one are still very bad... but he can't even recommend anything much less work on them cuz it wasn't ordered by the doc... going back to doc on the 8th for reevaluation...
Wow. Really glad there is improvement with the chest at least :hugs (gently) :fl that you will get the "go" for the work on your knees. Going as easy as your life will let you will help your knees a lot (I know of where I speak on that subject). So sorry about the bunny.
You better not drag the Pond... you'll find my disposal site! :tongue

No worries. I have one blind eye. Besides, I know you'd only dispose of those that deserved it. ;) :highfive:

I just keep thinking, "How long did you have an armed robber hiding right out in front of your house?!?!"
We have a friend who works with law enforcement on traffic accidents.
(I started this train of thought then heard a loud ruckus outside. Dang. Something got one of my young 55 cockerels and one of the pullets -took off with the cockerel but left the pullet dead - and left one pulled injured.)
Ugh. Now I have to figure out how, where, etc. I'm a terrible detective.

From the timeline I read in the news yesterday, he had been out there about a half hour (that's 30mins too long.) DD1 was outside doing her evening chores. :barnieWhen she heard the helicopter she came inside, as per our house rules. It creeped her out pretty good especially when they started searching the field. We told her they were looking for drugs or a weapon & assured her that if it were a body out there the search pattern would be different.

I'm sorry about your birds!!! :hitI know you're probably beating yourself up, but try not to. You had no way of knowing. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. You have found the problem, you are fixing it & nursing the survivor back to health... All these things make you a super human & I respect you immensely!!! :hugs

Ironically, I was thinking how nice it would be to go a few weeks without something dying.
You know those OSHA calendars they put up in the break room at workplaces that say how many days since the last accident? I need one of those, only mine would say
Congratulations, the Orr farm has gone 0 days without a death. (starting today :( )

This reminds me of the original Pacific Rim movie. "STOP THE CLOCK!" :old

Oh no, so sorry about your loss. Makes my dead bunny seem less awful somehow. View attachment 1356432
RIP, little one. Sometimes runts just die i guess. So totally not expecting to come home to a dead bunny.:hit Then this morning my incubator was up to 133°. :sick So a whole bator full of cooked eggs.:hit

Ugh! What a sad & crappy day!!! :hitI'm sorry!!! :hugs

My pup had her surgery yesterday. Long rough day on the poor girl. We were finally able to pick her up late in the day. When the vet tech went to get her she warned us that even tho she was still groggy she seemed very agitated. She was giving the very sweet tech a hard time as they came around the corner making it hard for her to hang on to her until I took her into my arms. She realized who now had her and she just melted into my shoulder and calmed right down. Spoiled baby. She relaxed and slept in my lap all the way home. The timing on the snow disappearing couldn't be better, it makes it easier for my poor pup to get around with only one eye and wearing the "cone of shame". DH is calling her his "lightbulb" because she looks like she's wearing a lampshade. This from the big toughie that kept bugging me all day about why the vet hadn't called yet. ;)
I thought about posting a pic but she looks pretty gross right now. Let's just say having her third eyelid pulled up and literally buttoned to her forehead and everything all swollen up is definitely NOT her best look! At least so far she's being a sweetheart about the cone. She just woke up from her nap on my lap so it's time for lunch and her next round of antibiotics so I have to scoot for now. It's just us girls because the DH took the trailer to town to pick up the panels I need for my greenhouse roof to replace the ones damaged this winter. Such a big sweetie. Have a great day everyone!

That poor baby!!!:hugs I hate the cone of shame! We bought a face shield for one of our pugs when he needed eye surgery. He never wore it because he was too small & his pug face couldn't keep it on, but they're supposed to be a great alternative to the COS. If you think it would help her I would be happy to send it to you. We planned on donating it anyway.

:rolleyes: Poor kid 2 and 3 are SOOOOOO far behind in math.... :sick That will probably have to continue through the summer.

My kids are behind in math too. :oops: But at least now they know how to do a proper field search of a dead body. :lau Do you think that bringing them down to the blood spot with me & having them pour the bottle of coke on it would count as science credit??? :confused:
Definitely a coon, d**n b**tards!!

Don't beat yourself up, they're just way too smart for their own good! :hmm
I really hate them too, but this whole incident is making me shore up other areas I've kind of neglected as well. I've never had an attack on my coops that are in the center of the yard because my dogs roam around them - but that one corner has been blocked off from the dogs for a while. As of today, it's been un-blocked.
I'm keeping the injured 55 pullet inside until her wound gets a decent scab (which will be a bit of a challenge because it's at a joint where her thigh connects to her body). I gave her some vitamins and electrolyte water. Hoping for the best!
very nice! I like it when the breeds are color coded. ;)

gotcha.... -sigh- I have so many chickens..... Might have to wait another week or two... trying to get the kids to finish school so that we can be done for the summer. :rolleyes: Poor kid 2 and 3 are SOOOOOO far behind in math.... :sick That will probably have to continue through the summer.
I'm in the process of trying to put together transcripts for Liz. She's changed her mind so often about what she wants to do "next" that our heads are spinning. Right now (as of 12:25pm) she wants to go to the community college (free freshman year in CA!) and get some of her GE done. So, our little charter school is going to give her a diploma once I get transcripts written up. So, I best be getting on that!
I'm in the process of trying to put together transcripts for Liz. She's changed her mind so often about what she wants to do "next" that our heads are spinning. Right now (as of 12:25pm) she wants to go to the community college (free freshman year in CA!) and get some of her GE done. So, our little charter school is going to give her a diploma once I get transcripts written up. So, I best be getting on that!

I have to do transcripts too. I feel so completely out of my league. :oops:
I have to do transcripts too. I feel so completely out of my league. :oops:
Going to Google some and then just change names/dates/courses/grades and see what I come up with. I don't even know if the local jc wants anything other than a diploma. I should probably find out...
My kids are behind in math too. :oops: But at least now they know how to do a proper field search of a dead body. :lau Do you think that bringing them down to the blood spot with me & having them pour the bottle of coke on it would count as science credit??? :confused:
totally! You get science, chemistry, environmental toxins, environmental clean-up.

I'm in the process of trying to put together transcripts for Liz. She's changed her mind so often about what she wants to do "next" that our heads are spinning. Right now (as of 12:25pm) she wants to go to the community college (free freshman year in CA!) and get some of her GE done. So, our little charter school is going to give her a diploma once I get transcripts written up. So, I best be getting on that!


As for the transcripts. .. most of it is just being careful with the course titles.

I just look through the list of high school classes that qualify for college scholarships and make sure I use THOSE course titles.

I am sure you can find one specific to your state (I am sure each state is different ) if you can't find one I think I can figure out how to post the one for Alaska.

Also some colleges require odd things now... like instead of or in addition to SAT they just want the kid to do these skills tests... forget the name...

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