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Ok write up.... last night was from hellp Ate something that Immediately cleared out my GI tract. Spent all night running to the potty.
Then I messed up writing the schedual down and got grandmas EEG appointment on the wrong day. Weve been trying to do ear drops for her because Kaiser in their infinate wisdom deem ear care our job.... When the drops go in she becomes profoundly deaf.
So top it all off my son spends the day screaming into her face to be understood.... Its like hearing fingernails on a chalk board. So No appointment and we have to clean house for the house keeper.... As badly as I needed one I could only get an hours worth of nap.
Woke up at One pm Elizabeth wasnt here yet and I just spotted my son as his car was levaing the driveway.... over heard him yelling something about finding a place that has reception and making a phone call.... Fingernails scrape.
OK Today was the end of one week worth of Radiation treatments. And the day I get to talk to my doctor. They had a busy day at the hospital... too. parking lot was full. Handicapped plaquards give you access so yay. All hospitals around here have free valet parking... They know me by name and get my walker out for me what nice guys....
So in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called and they are right on time.... Never happened before. usually they take me in a half an hour early...
This time they put a back support under my back ... WOW now my back doesnt hurt and I can breathe.... I was never built for sleeping on my back even as a youngster. The Radiologist said they wanted my pelvis tilted more... So dont let any one forget it the next time.
X ray Taken CT scan Taken Then Radiation given.... and its all done. I am getting my shoes on and they say some one will get me and take me over to the docs office so wait in the lobby.... OK.
I met the nurse in the hall and she took me straight back to an exam room. Took my vitals and left. Then The Doctors Nurse came in and we chatted. Now here is where it gets interesting.... Doc is usually short on time so I get my info from her mostly.
I ask her why the radiation.... She finally pulled my pathology report. Apparently the tumor was designated a 1b.... Lowest grade or Stage is a one... the b stantds for how much its getting into the surrounding space. The tumor itself had eaten into the uterine wall by three quarters.... I was afraid that because they had to dissect the stuff they had to take out that they were afraid cancer had gottin into the cavity.
Not true. The pathologist found cancer cells within the area around my lymph nodes Mainly the ones that reside within my pelvis and serve my legs and the blood vessels there in. They are killing cells before they can make their way into the lymph nodes....
I just spent the better part of the evening reading up on what they lymphatic system does..... If I was scared before surgery .... I am more so now.

It sounds like they're catching things really early. I don't know much about the lymph nodes. (some kind of regulators, right?:confused:) I also thought they were only up near your neck. Is the radiation giving you a headache? The constant nails on the chalkboard sounds terrible! :barnieAre they making you drink tons of water?

I'm glad the Dr's, nurses & valets are all treating you right! :hugs
Damn Straight.... writing a paper on it and why it works would be good too.

Great idea!!! :thumbsup

AND LOOK WHAT I FOUND TODAY! View attachment 1357320 my very own antique pie bird! I found it at a little shop by my dentist office today!

:yaOMG!!! :wee:highfive: I want that teapot too!

Btw, I can't remember jack about the canning process except that it scares the ever loving chit outta me, so I haven't done it myself since I became an 'adult'... :lau

I have done some open kettle canning but I am a sceerd of the pressure cooker.

I water can, but the pressure cooker scares me too! :oops:

Grandma used to always tell me to stay away from it in case it blew up. .said it could take my head off.
Very comforting.

This really did make me laugh out loud! :lau:gig
It sounds like they're catching things really early. I don't know much about the lymph nodes. (some kind of regulators, right?:confused:) I also thought they were only up near your neck. Is the radiation giving you a headache? The constant nails on the chalkboard sounds terrible! :barnieAre they making you drink tons of water?

I'm glad the Dr's, nurses & valets are all treating you right! :hugs
Lymph nodes are part of your endocrcryn system.... They are distributed through out your body.... pulling out bad cells and distributing white blood cells.... You know when you get a sore throat they feel along your neck lymph nodes operate to fight infection....

for the most part they are about the size of a pea and if they are handling an infection they can get as large as an olive.

And they are part of the circulation system.... Still learning here.

Lymph nodes are part of your endocrcryn system.... They are distributed through out your body.... pulling out bad cells and distributing white blood cells.... You know when you get a sore throat they feel along your neck lymph nodes operate to fight infection....

for the most part they are about the size of a pea and if they are handling an infection they can get as large as an olive.

And they are part of the circulation system.... Still learning here.


:eek: Excellent chart! Thank you, I had no idea! :thumbsup
Lymph nodes are part of your endocrcryn system.... They are distributed through out your body.... pulling out bad cells and distributing white blood cells.... You know when you get a sore throat they feel along your neck lymph nodes operate to fight infection....

for the most part they are about the size of a pea and if they are handling an infection they can get as large as an olive.

And they are part of the circulation system.... Still learning here.

yeah... pretty cool stuff.
I haven't killed the chick with the underbite yet....

that does make it a special needs chick right?

Even though it is eating fine now... it will need beak trims for the rest of its life once grown.... right?

blah.... I wouldn't mind so much... except that the hatch so sucked... but I did get 4... 4 is fine.... and each 1 is from a different breed hen.... So a different color... a brown, white, yellow, and black... the black is from the Wyandotte hen.... such a good hen.... the black is the one with the underbite.... and 3 chicks so suck.... 4 is just a better number.

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