Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank


... you enjoy sitting on your owner's crown jewels


Hope everyone is having a great day!!
Labs are notoriously stupid or clever - depends on which end of the stick one is. Daft, but great dogs, all the same.

Wouldn't trade her for the world! Her sire was my best friend and hunting buddy. He had a lot of English Lab blood in him so he was, of course, very intelligent.

That's why I have small dogs now..... We are getting ready for a trip back to Traverse to see that grandkids.....actually we have to babysit for a few days. Their anniversary is end of month.
Watching race today and hunt tonight..... Start back at it all tomorrow I'm finally getting well enough...... How about you Oz?

Maybe a tad better. Go back for a CT scan tomorrow (whatever that is). I think I have chicken fever....
Glad you're doing well!
That's a universal truth. I was referring to the cap, gun, and grin. Pugs are not a problem lap dog. My 80 lbs. Lab thinks she's a lap dog, painful. I keep reminding her Lab not LAP. :confused:

They were watching for squirrels :D

Labs are notoriously stupid or clever - depends on which end of the stick one is. Daft, but great dogs, all the same.

We had a yellow lab (mostly), she was both :D

Wouldn't trade her for the world! Her sire was my best friend and hunting buddy. He had a lot of English Lab blood in him so he was, of course, very intelligent.
Maybe a tad better. Go back for a CT scan tomorrow (whatever that is). I think I have chicken fever....
Glad you're doing well!

Hope they find something fixable. I'm not sure chicken fever is.
Hi Deb....

Hi there, Phil...

Wouldn't trade her for the world! Her sire was my best friend and hunting buddy. He had a lot of English Lab blood in him so he was, of course, very intelligent.
Maybe a tad better. Go back for a CT scan tomorrow (whatever that is). I think I have chicken fever....
Glad you're doing well!

What's going on? Sorry you aren't feeling well.

They were watching for squirrels

We had a yellow lab (mostly), she was both

Hope they find something fixable. I'm not sure chicken fever is.

Yeah I'm good..... It's not like I have to lose much... I'm 155.....it's more a matter of controlling my sugar levels I guess...... My doctor thinks if allergy shots work I can come off the prednisone and other good things should follow.

... you enjoy sitting on your owner's crown jewels

. Go back for a CT scan tomorrow (whatever that is). I think I have chicken fever....
Chicken fever shows up on CT scans!
Wow! Modern technology!
LOL! Funny part about the pond I got at auction today... the guy told me he was selling it cuz he made a goldfish pond for his wife and she came out and it was FULL of frogs... seems she is terrified of them, so pond got yanked out immediately...

Guess rubber snakes weren't a good enough guarantee for her, lol...

Huh, I guess everyone has something they are afraid of.........
Worked out great for you at least!

My DD2 took this one a few days ago when she flew to NYC for a meeting. I thought the colors were pretty.

We are heading up to the high country today. Hope we see some aspens turning.

Congrats on the ducklings, Dan!

Great picture! Have fun in the high country!
Yeah I'm good..... It's not like I have to lose much... I'm 155.....it's more a matter of controlling my sugar levels I guess...... My doctor thinks if allergy shots work I can come off the prednisone and other good things should follow.
- here's hoping!

Go back for a CT scan tomorrow (whatever that is). I think I have chicken fever....

I think it looks something like this:

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