Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank


@Alaskan - "I am a week after you this year."
I was wondering about that. How many of the boys will participate this year?

@Shadrach -
Do you look THAT scary????

Piggies!!!! :love

:lau I have a similar problem. I must have one of "those" faces. Strangers are always talking to me. Have to be careful in Walmart tho. More than once I've been mistaken for someone who who actually works there!?!?!?! I thought I was cleaning up ok! :lau

Morning my fellow paddlers :hugs
Well, survived the roadtrip to the onc. Boy, we just aren't used to that many hours in the vehicle anymore. When we finally crawl out of the vehicle in the hospital parking lot, we're moving with such "grace" I'm surprised nearby workers don't come running at us with wheelchairs! :lau Fantastic report (best labs in years) so that's one down, two appts. and one quickie surgery to go then if I don't break anything important I should be good for the summer :fl
Woo Hoo on the labs...

Aquaman doesn't wear a shirt - hot diggity dog!!! Plus over 6' tall

My kid is actually just... uh... 5'9" I think.

@Alaskan - "I am a week after you this year."
I was wondering about that. How many of the boys will participate this year?

4 of the five will be home. Kid 2 is still with my mom.
Poor kid 1! He got home yesterday, I picked him up, he hadn't slept at all the night before due to traveling... and I told him I would feed him, then he got to help us clean the church. Good sport though, he didn't mind. He is already up and headed to the morning service right now.

This is the first time I will be short a kid for all of the festivities. It will be odd for sure.

Fantastic report (best labs in years) so that's one down, two appts. and one quickie surgery to go then if I don't break anything important I should be good for the summer

EXCELLENT news!! :clap:wee
My eldest is like that. .. when he is quietly thinking.... he looks like a serial killer. :rolleyes: I think it is his prominent eyebrow ridge.

BUT when he is talking and animated he is all sweet, funny and goofy.

He was stuck in the Anchorage airport for 6 hours... and met a girl... :th

Walked up to her and started talking to her. Talked to her for hours. His pick up line was something along the lines of "do you want to do something completely new, different and strange and actually talk to a living breathing human being? I know people our age don't do that, but we could give it a try" Got her name and number.

:wee:clap :yesss:
I just saw my first snake of the season on my road. I couldn't tell if it was a rattler so I went ahead & drove over it. I felt it bump under my tire & saw it continue off toward the neighbors house. Once I was next to it I could see it was just a gopher snake. I cant believe I didn't kill it instantly. Its probably dying slowly & I feel like the biggest Richard. :hitI got one of the neighbors out there & he said it looked fine & to leave it, but I know its not fine, because theres a bit of pink goo in the road. I really hate myself sometimes!:he Reason #952 why I'm going to hell. :( It had its head up & was looking at me like, "Why'd you run over me? What are you gonna do now?" Half of me is creeped out because I terrified of all snakes & the other half is eaten up with guilt. :he:hit:he

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