Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Shalom to all, hopping that everyone is ok! We are in quarantine so a lot of hobby time here some results, my 2 hand made knives.
A Japanese Damascus steel Kiridashi knife with blue and white micarta handel, with red liners.
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Ka-bar knife inspired knife. Made from spring steel brass hand guard and leather disc handle.
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Very impressive!

Somehow the kids haven't done anything knife wise lately.

We have spent a full day repairing plumbing.

And the kid most interested in forging is now back at work! He is very happy about that.
Happy whatever fellow H20 movers (Shalom Benny very nice weapons)
Lots I could do, like clean the house, after half a century of that the thrill has kind of worn off, don't feel like getting into any of the gazillion half finished craft projects and the only thing I do feel like doing, cleaning the coop, is on hold because the wind is blowing so hard I'd wind up wearing most of it. Nope, not into that. I wouldn't mind a walk if the wind wasn't blowing so hard and the sun is turning the snow into a deep slushy mess which means I would probably just wind up on my backside which would lead to me flopping around like a beached walrus trying to stand back up in all the slippery mush.
Can you tell I am no longer amused with being grounded in our lovely Wisconsin spring?

My new laptop should finally arrive this week. Not really looking forward to that like I used to be either. Been a while (like years) since I tackled the setup/software/data transfers/etc. from an old machine to a new one (Kindles don't count) and I'm not sure my senior brain (or patience) is still up to the challenge. Wouldn't even have tackled it if my current laptop hadn't decided it was time to enter hospice and I stumbled across a deal I couldn't pass up on the perfect replacement. I can't even turn it all over to a nerdy grandkid! :barnie
My new laptop should finally arrive this week. Not really looking forward to that like I used to be either. Been a while (like years) since I tackled the setup/software/data transfers/etc. from an old machine to a new one
Yep... not fun.

It is "supposed" to be easy. Eh. :rolleyes:
So, you know that school daycare I'm required to work at one day a week? A friend of mine worked her shift yesterday, and the supervisor's kids were there. The kids were very excited because they're having company this weekend from SIOUX FALLS, SD! You know - where it's blowing up with covid because of the meat-packing plant! It's also in the homeless shelters and the penitentiary now. (On a happy note, DS worked his last shift as a medic there today.) My coworker emailed the school superintendent about it. I don't know if anything will be done, but personally I don't think those kids should be at the daycare for 14 days.
I am tired. We have been so busy at work. We are doing double sales than projected. So as an example, on Thursday for instance, based on last year, our sales projections were about $15,000. That's in a 13 hour day too, mind you. What we actually did was $30,000. In ten hours.

I'm stressed out trying to deal with everyone coming in, being very anxious some idiot that just NEEDS to buy tennis balls is going to bring in Covid to infect me, and very worn out from almost literally running around the store non-stop for eight hours a day dealing with all the customers.

Yes, I realize that all the other stores that aren't farm stores in the state aren't allowed to sell a lot of the things we can still sell. People need to stop and think about the reason behind that law and make the non-selfish choice to not come get those things at my store just because they can. But they won't.

At this point I just wish they would extend the law to cover farm stores too and stop all these people from swarming us.

And all the people buying chicks! I need them to cut that out. Some lady came in today and literally told me to my face it was illegal for her to have chickens where she lived, but 'with all this going on' she's just going to get them anyway. Yeah, that's not going to come back to bite you when you get fined and have to scramble to rehome them.
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I am tired. We have been so busy at work. We are doing double sales than projected. So as an example, on Thursday for instance, based on last year, our sales projections were about $15,000. That's in a 13 hour day too, mind you. What we actually did was $30,000. In ten hours.

I'm stressed out trying to deal with everyone coming in, being very anxious some idiot that just NEEDS to buy tennis balls is going to bring in Covid to infect me, and very worn out from almost literally running around the store non-stop for eight hours a day dealing with all the customers.

Yes, I realize that all the other stores that aren't farm stores in the state aren't allowed to sell a lot of the things we can still sell. People need to stop and think about the reason behind that law and make the non-selfish choice to not come get those things at my store just because they can. But they won't.

At this point I just wish they would extend the law to cover farm stores too and stop all these people from swarming us.

And all the people buying chicks! I need them to cut that out. Some lady came in today and literally told me to my face it was illegal for her to have chickens where she lived, but 'with all this going on' she's just going to get them anyway. Yeah, that's not going to come back to bite you when you get fined and have to scramble to rehome them.

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