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I think Michigan is the same as Wisconsin (at least mostly) which is you can't kill anything out of season unless it's attacking YOU or another human. If it's going after your animals you can't shoot it, you're supposed to call the DNR. Yeah, I know. It's easy to lie your way around it and get away with it unless it's a protected beast like a wolf.(again, yes I know, here wolves are an endangered species)
You can kill any varmint here that is in the act of harming livestock.But just like the constution says we have the right to keep and bare arms in defence of our home and family.People aren't nibbling up the habitat of sevel wild amamals .We are gobbling it up at a very alarming rate.To reinterduce cornrivous animals into a native area, they should first be sure the eco system can sustain that animal .Why chase a rabbit if a chicken or duck,is readly avavible. I get a huge kick out of my dogs chasing buzzards. Many of my retiring farm neighbors are, taking goverment subsidies and setting land aside for game preserves. And the coyote has taken advantage of it. Saw dead otter not long ago ,from a preserve. Haven't seen one in years.
Now that would stop me cold to see ..
Morning Pondites sunshine this morning
Grew up in a small town with drainage ditches alongside the roads. Was walking down one of the roads one summer day & there lay a dead possum in the ditch. Heat had bloated it 'til the belly split open, revealing several yet unborn kits (pups?)
You can kill any varmint here that is in the act of harming livestock.But just like the constution says we have the right to keep and bare arms in defence of our home and family.People aren't nibbling up the habitat of sevel wild amamals .We are gobbling it up at a very alarming rate.To reinterduce cornrivous animals into a native area, they should first be sure the eco system can sustain that animal .Why chase a rabbit if a chicken or duck,is readly avavible. I get a huge kick out of my dogs chasing buzzards. Many of my retiring farm neighbors are, taking goverment subsidies and setting land aside for game preserves. And the coyote has taken advantage of it. Saw dead otter not long ago ,from a preserve. Haven't seen one in years.
Here it is against the law to use deadly force against anyone/thing in the defense of property (onging fight to get pets off the property, aka livestock, list). Only loss of human life and you better be able to prove that you were in fear of losing yours. Even if defending the life of someone else can get "iffy".
I think Angel and I have the social distancing thing down. It was a beautiful day for a walk down our back lane and across our field. Bear tore up DH's woodpile last night so we didn't venture into our woods.
Here it is against the law to use deadly force against anyone/thing in the defense of property (onging fight to get pets off the property, aka livestock, list). Only loss of human life and you better be able to prove that you were in fear of losing yours. Even if defending the life of someone else can get "iffy".

Oh, good, grief!!!!! So bad!!
I think Angel and I have the social distancing thing down. It was a beautiful day for a walk down our back lane and across our field. Bear tore up DH's woodpile last night so we didn't venture into our woods.View attachment 2122363
Looks like I need to buy up all the wholesale shovels I can get my hands on, plus a supply of silencers, & plan a road trip. ;)
I think Angel and I have the social distancing thing down. It was a beautiful day for a walk down our back lane and across our field. Bear tore up DH's woodpile last night so we didn't venture into our woods.View attachment 2122363
Looks like I need to buy up all the wholesale shovels I can get my hands on, plus a supply of silencers, & plan a road trip. ;)

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