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I thought my kids to write in cursive... but they read it so rarely that they are still terrible at reading other people's cursive. :idunno
I had a debate with a fellow teacher about 30 years ago - he basically argued cursive was a waste of academic time and should be in the domain of art classes (and this was in the infancy of personal computers...)
when I was teaching, the students wanted to write in cursive---it made them feel grown up. It was not required, but I put up a cursive alphabet and wrote their spelling words in manuscript and cursive
I have had arguments with teachers who think teaching spelling is outdated because of spell check! and learning math facts unnecessary because of calculators! ridiculous
Even if they can't write in cursive, I do think it is important that they can read it.

As a kid my grandfather would make me read a paragraph at a time of that old fashioned German script...

if I was lucky, like this:
SmartSelect_20210111-165220_Samsung Internet.jpg

If I wasn't, then like this:
SmartSelect_20210111-164953_Samsung Internet.jpg
I tell my kids that they have to read cursive because they will be among the chosen few of their generation who will still be able to read the constitution.

The dentist was a disaster. A very, VERY expensive disaster. In all honesty I feel this new dentist was actually pretty good, but my mouth disagrees with me.
I tell my kids that they have to read cursive because they will be among the chosen few of their generation who will still be able to read the constitution.

The dentist was a disaster. A very, VERY expensive disaster. In all honesty I feel this new dentist was actually pretty good, but my mouth disagrees with me.

So good or bad?

Did he bust your tooth, or reglue the crown?

If you just got it glued back in... why does it hurt?
He couldn’t reuse the old crown. It was a decade old and was originally put on by a hack. Said hack, managed to not kill all the roots before he put the old crown on, so I’m needing a second root canal (10yrs later on the same tooth) next week. (This is the kind of nightmare crap that feels like it only happens to me.) :he There is a temporary crown in there now, but the Dr. had to drill me bloody to get the old cement off & fix the massacre job that the hack left under there.

I haven’t been to the dentist in like 3yrs. This is funny because I make my kids & my dogs go to the dentist pretty regularly. Anyway, in my old age & 3yr absence, I’ve developed the beginning stages of periodontal disease. :he This required the ‘deep clean’ under the gums. Extremely intense & painful.

Ultimately they were jackhammering in my head for nearly 4.5 hours. There was a long interim where me & the financial liaison crunched a million numbers over & over & over again. (She probably wants to quit her job after today.) Also I had about 15 mins in the middle where I ran next door to grab an energy juice & call DH to let him know I was not dead.

6 shots, yes, SIX shots of novocaine plus all the hours of intense work & my mouth is torn up! I could barely move my jaw after the numbness wore off.

On the plus side, I had a small chip on one of the back teeth that I got during the 1st lockdown. I haven’t been able to keep my tongue off of it all year. He graciously smoothed that out for me, so at least there’s that.

Sorry for the novel.
He couldn’t reuse the old crown. It was a decade old and was originally put on by a hack. Said hack, managed to not kill all the roots before he put the old crown on, so I’m needing a second root canal (10yrs later on the same tooth) next week. (This is the kind of nightmare crap that feels like it only happens to me.) :he There is a temporary crown in there now, but the Dr. had to drill me bloody to get the old cement off & fix the massacre job that the hack left under there.

I haven’t been to the dentist in like 3yrs. This is funny because I make my kids & my dogs go to the dentist pretty regularly. Anyway, in my old age & 3yr absence, I’ve developed the beginning stages of periodontal disease. :he This required the ‘deep clean’ under the gums. Extremely intense & painful.

Ultimately they were jackhammering in my head for nearly 4.5 hours. There was a long interim where me & the financial liaison crunched a million numbers over & over & over again. (She probably wants to quit her job after today.) Also I had about 15 mins in the middle where I ran next door to grab an energy juice & call DH to let him know I was not dead.

6 shots, yes, SIX shots of novocaine plus all the hours of intense work & my mouth is torn up! I could barely move my jaw after the numbness wore off.

On the plus side, I had a small chip on one of the back teeth that I got during the 1st lockdown. I haven’t been able to keep my tongue off of it all year. He graciously smoothed that out for me, so at least there’s that.

Sorry for the novel.
Oh, Room! That truly is the stuff nightmares are made of! I have told my dentist that if I ever needed a root canal, he’s going to have to knock me in the head, because that’s the only way he’s going to be able to do it.

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