Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Morning Pond it is kinda warm, like 40 here dry couple days.
Need to make a run to Costco
Here's some info for you in case you're shopping for supper

"He smelled creepy"? :lau Ya gotta help me here. How does one smell 'creepy'?

My lily pad smells a bit creepy this morning. What's happening here ? Anyone seen roomy's endodontist around here?
I’m not sure how to explain this.

I used to think creepy people all wore the same kind of cologne (like an invisible memo to all creepers; Hey! Creepy Cologne on sale today at CVS for 5.99 a gallon. Stock up!) but after laying in bed that first day I started thinking about every DDS, hygienist, oral surgeon & dental tech I’ve ever had. I was wondering how someone who has their hands in your mouth could be allowed to wear any type of fragrance. None of these people ever smelled like cologne or perfume to me.

I had an epiphany then that maybe creepy people aren’t wearing the same cologne after all. Maybe creepy people just emit the same creepy odor naturally, like a warning system.:confused:

I’d worry that this makes me sound crazy, but it’s probably not the weirdest thing I’ve said in the last 6yrs. :lau
Morning pond,
sorry, took me a while to break thru all the ice to get to my lily pad. View attachment 2510101
Hope all are staying safe and well.
Haven't been to a dentist in longer than I will admit to. Too many bad outcomes and down right horror stories too long to go into here.
All's good on this end of the pond except for the lack of snow. Just like Phil (my neighbor a bit to the north), we are almost in a drought situation for lack of snow. We received maybe 1 1/2" overnight, just enough to give us a snow total of maybe 4" on the ground when we should be measuring it in feet this time of year. That's not good for us at all, especially with another deep cold spell on the way. But, on the bright side, we've only had to get the snow moving equipment out once and that was just because the DH got bored and decided we needed to run the throwers to make sure they worked ok. February is always our worst month for storms so I'm sure we will need the heavy equipment at least once or twice yet.

Nice to have you pop in...

And yes, no shoveling is fantastic..but freezing deep down through the soil is bad and damaging .... and lack of that needed moisture is worrying.

You don’t think you will lose trees, do you? With deep freezing with so little snow?

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