Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

I shouldn’t complain. At least I don’t have nine thousand cannibalistic baby spiders in my house… I hope.
My, my how we inflate the numbers in an attempt to inspire fear. There was a spider hanging from my computer room light this morning. :eek: Harbinger of things to come?
My, my how we inflate the numbers in an attempt to inspire fear. There was a spider hanging from my computer room light this morning. :eek: Harbinger of things to come?
I was being conservative. If one spider has 252 babies & those 252 babies have 252 babies …

Do you remember that old commercial, “ and she told two friends, and she told two friends, and she had two friends…” :lau
Would you like a breeding pair?

Nope, no thank you! I have enough of my own already! But if you want some, say the word and I'll give them directions to your place!

I got so freaked out the other day by a web I broke an egg. I was holding an egg I just collected in one hand, walked out the door to the coop that I had JUST walked into, and got a web right across my face. In my panic I crushed the egg in hand. I was sure there was going to be a spider on my face or in my hair. Luckily no. That sucker built a web fast and then vanished and left it as a booby trap for me.

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