Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

This is number 2
Good Morning, Pond!
Trying to get motivated to get ready for school today. It’s Homecoming, so it’s just going to be crazy town.

My niece is getting married tomorrow and has asked my mom and me to come help decorate and come to the rehearsal this evening and to help her before the wedding tomorrow. The festivities are about 2 hours from here, so I will be leaving school early today.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Morning Pond.

I have what I intend to be my last hatch of the year working on hatching today - three Ayam Ketawas.

I also have to go to the dentist, which is never fun. And they just called me and said they are running behind so they pushed my appointment back, which means I get to dread it for even longer, ugh.

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