Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

there are chickens in your house!!!

only time we have chickens get in the house, was if one of the kids forgot to shut the door........one time we nearly had a goat come in too......

figures, the same one that forgot to latch the gate to the goat pen, forgot to shut the door to the house......
A few little white blobs here and there can't be an issue :confused:
Whiteish tile and they should blend right in.

there are chickens in your house!!!

only time we have chickens get in the house, was if one of the kids forgot to shut the door........one time we nearly had a goat come in too......

figures, the same one that forgot to latch the gate to the goat pen, forgot to shut the door to the house......
Maybe the kid was trying to,be Dr. Doolittle.
in this PC world, I have reclassified these as "learning experiences"

he learned to shut the gate AND  the door, so as not to feel pain on his backside.
Children need "learning experiences" like this, otherwise how will they learn. My kids have "learning experiences" as well. Sometimes I help them learn and sometimes they do it on there own.

Pics of the new kids from last. Isn't. Don't show bill that they were on my foyer carpet!


there are chickens in your house!!!

only time we have chickens get in the house, was if one of the kids forgot to shut the door........one time we nearly had a goat come in too......

figures, the same one that forgot to latch the gate to the goat pen, forgot to shut the door to the house......

I can NOT leave the door open at camp... the golden comets love to come inside. They go straight to the dog food bowl.

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