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I think that "how to be a good BYC member" thread could be abridged to "just don't act like a first class prickle!" (with last two letters deleted)

Make that last word a blank, and I can think of lots of words to fill it in with!
Oh, I wouldn't have touched that other thread with a 10ft pole!

Yes, Bert, but that might be difficult... depending on the breeders, many don't realize there's a difference... just see blue eggs so they keep going... that's why I said that for you to make sure, use a hen... you can see the difference candling the eggs... many of mine are single blue, one of the things I'm actively working on...
I had to cut back...

We had way too many, lol...
I'm on mobile, links are a PITA for me... ask Chris...

Nah... just remember... subtlety is a virtue...
this statement......

you can tell by candling a blue egg if it has 2 blue egg genes?
thanks again.

if you don't mind, so I don't clutter up the fun thread with a bunch of schoolin for this ignorant country boy, I'll send you a pm, with some questions.

You know you always can, as long as your girlfriend stays out of it! :gig

Do what you want, but don't do it on account of the thread.  Others may benefit from some schoolin too. 

What a tolerante and exceptional hostess! :D

Schoolin' is good.  It even quietens  the Frawgs.  :p    Kerplunk, oops there goes another into the Pond. 

It makes one protest I talk too much, lol...

I think that "how to be a good BYC member" thread could be abridged to "just don't act like a first class prickle!" (with last two letters deleted)

There were 2 more letters??? I only saw 4? :lau

That would be effective and to the point.  But such folks frequently are so sure of their importance and aware of others insignificance that they can't see that they are one eyed.


I just KNOW you MUST be talking about me   :rant


Hon, I think you'd have to borrow the proper equipment for that statement to apply... now Lamey on the other hand....... :gig
You know you always can, as long as your girlfriend stays out of it!

What a tolerante and exceptional hostess!

It makes one protest I talk too much, lol...
There were 2 more letters??? I only saw 4?


Hon, I think you'd have to borrow the proper equipment for that statement to apply... now Lamey on the other hand.......
you'll have to be more specific.........lol

how do you tell from candling a blue egg if it has both blue egg genes?
Quote: I'm not sure their vision is even that good. And though in nature, a lack of vision is often made up for by superlative hearing, even echolocation requires that the user has to shut up sometimes and just listen.

(I saw a few posts by the party in question. I was thinking that I would like to be able to send a virus to their computer that would surgically remove the exclamation point from their keyboard - I suspect they'd be too tongue-tied to post.)
this statement......

you can tell by candling a blue egg if it has 2 blue egg genes?

Absolutely... one with single blue is easier to see into than one with double blue... blues are a harder one to see through, but the difference is like candling a regular brown egg layer egg, and a medium to dark Marans egg...

You can ask @WalnutHill if she remembers seeing a difference in some of my blue eggs for another opinion if you like...

Actually, I can get you comparison pics if you want... since I have that gorgeous candler K made... :D
I'm not sure their vision is even that good. And though in nature, a lack of vision is often made up for by superlative hearing, even echolocation requires that the user has to shut up sometimes and just listen.:rolleyes:

(I saw a few posts by the party in question. I was thinking that I would like to be able to send a virus to their computer that would surgically remove the exclamation point from their keyboard - I suspect they'd be too tongue-tied to post.):lau  

Make that virus remove their caps lock key as well... :lol:

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