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Phil, I got an apple today. Two month early and a bit small but it was still good! And beautiful.

@Pyxis could that be a booted Serama? I didn't see any puffy cheeks, but possibly d'uccle or mix? The feather color resembles the way my golden sebrights feathered in on the wings, but thelr chick down was darker, so maybe golden laced something? :confused:

I just saw this. I'm really not sure. It came from TSC so I don't think it's a serama, as I don't think any hatcheries carry them. I'm starting to think it's a Heinz 57 and the hatchery had an oops and a bird got into another pen.
Apple trees in bloom here this week. Peach trees considering blooming.

Our apricot is done blooming, peach and cherry in full bloom, and apple is thinking about it. Weird spring, even for Michigan. We have forsythia, daffodils, all color tulips, hyacinth, bleeding heart, spirea, lilac and trillium all blooming at once, normally they spread out across 6 weeks. I planted peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, and cucumbers in the garden already. Beans are getting ready to bud. Corn goes in tomorrow.

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