Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Hey Ponders!

Been busy I lost 17 chickens to a fur bearer or neighbors dog yesterday, I spent the day fortifying the coop and run. Setting traps and thinking evil thoughts of revenge. It only ate part of one the rest were just killed for fun. It tunneled in....

I was out this morning to welcome it back, but nothing showed. I had such a good surprise planned for it too.

I have posted this video a couple places but I think seeing it is important to all of us as a reminder of what they do to try to get to our birds. I will be fortifying all my runs and coops after watching this. My Cousin took it, she lives 15 miles from me. She lost all her birds a week later to this devil..

@LittleLakePhil this might be particularly interesting to you as I assume you have these there too..

:eek: While the video is great info, I'd have been shooting with something much more.. um... heavy... than a camera.

Tell me they got it :fl
:eek: While the video is great info, I'd have been shooting with something much more.. um... heavy... than a camera.

Tell me they got it :fl

They did not get it,, Like you and I, they would have preferred a rifle or shotgun. She did not have one, was not sure what it was and the house was the wrong direction from the garden where she was... She thought by walking towards it, it would leave.

She did not realize the tenacity of a fisher. I have no idea if they got it, I would not ask, as they are illegal to shoot, thus fall under the auspice of SSS...
They did not get it,, Like you and I, they would have preferred a rifle or shotgun. She did not have one, was not sure what it was and the house was the wrong direction from the garden where she was... She thought by walking towards it, it would leave.

She did not realize the tenacity of a fisher. I have no idea if they got it, I would not ask, as they are illegal to shoot, thus fall under the auspice of SSS...

I rarely walk outside without some type of pistol, rifle, or shotgun, depending on the critter expectations. Lately its been snakes, since my neighbor got the fox.
They did not get it,, Like you and I, they would have preferred a rifle or shotgun. She did not have one, was not sure what it was and the house was the wrong direction from the garden where she was... She thought by walking towards it, it would leave.

She did not realize the tenacity of a fisher. I have no idea if they got it, I would not ask, as they are illegal to shoot, thus fall under the auspice of SSS...
I trapped a really big one a few years ago.
I don't know what happened to the pics though.... things are both big and mean
Howdy Oz. Good to see you! How's that grandbaby doing?

Yes still at the same place, we are preparing for the building to be demolished. Last auction this weekend. 100+ year old business with several hundred thousand square foot building has alot of stuff! Lol
But I'm moving with the sister company to another location. Took over those duties when their prior gal got cancer. They made me an offer i couldn't refuse. ;)
Grand baby is doing great and growing like the proverbial weed. Hope to see him this weekend!


Just don't let them take advantage of your (too) kind nature, Phil. :hugs

:frow Friday! :lau "Accidentally" smoked a turkey? Sounds yummy!!! :drool

Oh, you're killing me! :drool:drool:drool

Pics please. :pop


:frow Oz!! :hugs:hugs

Good morning WV, Sour, Chris, Oz & all Pondies!

Yeah, Chris, how's Amsterdam?

I'm not nearly as productive at home as you folks are. With work & the commute, I'm away from home about 55 hours/week. When I am home, I just wanna play with ducks & kittens & cats & dogs. :oops:
I'll get some pics but it's a project in the early stages..... I'm still not sure what motor I'm gonna go with

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