Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

HOTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!;):hugs:hugs:hugs:hugsbout to go dip in the pool .Spray nozzle is in the bottom I can't reach it .

She can have all the Ks she wants . Or all she can handle which ever comes first .

:confused: just go buy some I would .

Get over What ????????????View attachment 1080966

Yes my dear, you are HOT! :p

:oops: :lau

:love :love
Awww!! She just had to show you a 115% hatch! :lau

Seriously, it's an issue around here... what ya think I keep tripping on all the time??? :p

They're dried corncobs I tell ya!!!! :old


I thought his name was Pert near??? Either way, he's really Kris Kristofferson, don't let him fool ya!!! :lau

It's awful here too... headache every day just from the heat... :/

If it ever cools down, i might just collapse. I didn't work this hard my whole life, definitely too old for it now. 15-hour days are gonna kill me, long before cigarettes and alcohol. :D

Be quite a shock to me, be standing in front of the urinal when all of a sudden. :eek:

:lau :lau

Be careful where you pee!! :lau :lau

Be sure its shallow at least!

Believe it was Rodney Dangerfield that said"he was having a bad day. Woke up this morning getting ready to go to work. Started putting his shirt on and a button fell off. Walking out the door he grabbed his briefcase and the handle fell off. Said, "I'm afraid to go to the bathroom now". Gotta love Rodney

Miss the old Young Comedian specials he did. Such a hoot!

What made me laugh is that immediately there was incorrect info in that post. The very first thing that's in that article is a picture, with a caption saying they are examining a pekin duck. The duck pictured is clearly not a pekin.

But then the article mentions several times that the penises 'disappear'. Like, where are they going? Then the person who did the study is even quoted saying she thinks they might regrow them.

Um, drakes are BORN with penises. I sex ducklings, I have seen them. Why would they be born with them if they were just going to grow them in for mating season? The whole thing makes no sense, at all.


Think I'd be trying my best to put it back in the bush


Don't you ladies like it in the barn? Try a blanket. ;)
The little escapee is feeling better now.

I'm here for a minute before I go put up the critters. Been putting together a sewing kit just in case. I wanna keep one handy
You got plans on sewing something? Or you just want to avoid a visit to the ER? I sewed up a goat once that tore her udder on barbed wire. Turned out well and never got infected. Goats are mostly pretty tough. She was lucky i had lidocaine.
One of my peachicks just scared me to death. I was taking pictures of them and only had five in their brooder. Not good! Immediately I started looking around, but I wasn't hearing crying, which made me think that I was gonna find a dead chick, since they cry a lot when they are all alone. I got out my flashlight and started checking every corner. Finally found the little thing all curled up, quiet as can be and cold, under a bench. It's okay now, but I can tell you that a cover went on that brooder faster than anything.
So glad you found it!

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