Welcome to the night shift

My two roosters are easy to tell apart -- one is a strong-voiced Iowa Blue, and the other a Cochin Bantam who can match Sir Henry the Loud crow for crow, but not in volume. Both boys like to start their duet by about 3:30 a.m.

And, yes, a cup of coffee is an essential part of my wee-hours wake up.
Hi everyone :)
My sleeping pattern got way out of whack! Hubby was doing his work at night so of course he said I had to change mine. He slept from afternoon til 4 am. Then I went to bed at 4 am. I'm still trying to adjust my pattern. Any where from 3 to 5 am is my knock off for the day. I used to get up around 10 am-12 pm. He has always had a hard time sleeping. Anyone know where your other half is at? I do. He is trying to set up a new pc in windows 11. It's the pits he said.
Those are some late nights for sure.
I woke up at least three times during the night and would love to have been able to come downstairs and type -- if only it wouldn't have meant waking up the entire menagerie. Dinah was resting against my spine (like a non-electric heating pad) and Magoo was catnapping on my feet.

Most of all I don't want to wake George. He has anxiety issues -- one of which triggered one of the rare dreams I can remember. Recently, while I was working outside, he chomped big chunks of veneer off the front of a beautifully restored vintage dresser. Previously, he chewed up an inherited handmade table when he was left alone too long.

In my dream last night, he had taken bites out of the kitchen island, a repurposed bottom half of a Hoosier cabinet. There was no going back to sleep after that one. Fortunately, the island is still unharmed.

I loved your previous response about binge watching and avoiding theaters. It was so relatable for me.

Hope you got more rest than I did. Looking forward to nodding off during the day.
I came down with Covid and have been sick since yesterday morning, on and off. Was able to get some rest. Once I thought I felt ‘normal’ so took a walk on my property. Took the short loop, which is about 1/10th mile and easy slow walking but after a few minutes felt wiped out. My poor Maddie-dog was not impressed with her walk, or lack there of. Guess I can watch all those show endings now.

George’s anxiety seems intense, poor guy. And those antique pieces, oh no! The house I owned prior to now was a 1896 Victorian, all original wood moldings, trim, doors etc. Well, there was a set of big heavy six panel pocket doors separating the dining and living rooms. I had a St Bernard at that time and she ate/scratched nearly through a panel. :barnie:barnie It Just killed me but I couldn’t salvage the door. She had storm anxiety and happened to get out of her room that day. I felt so bad for her.

We also had a dog, long ago, that had horrible storm anxiety and got meds for it but it got worse every year. It was so bad that by the time he was 10 yrs old a cloud crossing the run would make him shake and whimper, no joke. Poor dog..he was a shy rescue.
Oh, so sorry you've been sick. Pretty sure the show endings won't be worth the misery.

And, it sounds like you've had some real adventures with your rescues, too. Today, I couldn't find my little Cochin Bantam, Maxie. She has terribly curled toes that I tried to fix but couldn't. She gets around but is slower than she should be, and I was afraid something had happened to her -- because I overreact to critter situations.

She was fine, but by the time I got inside, George had demolished a piece of junk mail and was crunching on, yup, the remnants of the dresser drawer front. I had him on anti-anxiety meds but they didn't seem to work. I love him, but he's not making it easy.

Hope Maddie forgives you for the shorter-than-usual walk!
Usually I'm not up all night or anything, but i have vivid dreams that wake me constantly, whether it's something startling that happens or because I start talking in my sleep.
I try not to go on my phone if I wake in the middle of the night, but sometimes I get bored.
that's rough.
I work from home and have found the only time that I can really get anything accomplished is when everyone else is asleep.

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