Welcome to the night shift

Oh, so sorry you've been sick. Pretty sure the show endings won't be worth the misery.

And, it sounds like you've had some real adventures with your rescues, too. Today, I couldn't find my little Cochin Bantam, Maxie. She has terribly curled toes that I tried to fix but couldn't. She gets around but is slower than she should be, and I was afraid something had happened to her -- because I overreact to critter situations.

She was fine, but by the time I got inside, George had demolished a piece of junk mail and was crunching on, yup, the remnants of the dresser drawer front. I had him on anti-anxiety meds but they didn't seem to work. I love him, but he's not making it easy.

Hope Maddie forgives you for the shorter-than-usual walk!
Thank you for the well wishes…I’ll be ok, getting sick of soup and OJ tho. Lol

Glad you found Maxie. And George, seriously? Turn your back for a minute and BAM. I give my dogs buffalo (possible ram) horns or deer/elk antler when I go to work. The horns last about a month with heavy power chewing; antlers a bit less but they can fracture so I replace when that happens which gets pricey. The horn is very thick and my dogs can’t get a good clench on it so it lasts a long time. Maybe something like that would keep George away from the furniture?
Usually I'm not up all night or anything, but i have vivid dreams that wake me constantly, whether it's something startling that happens or because I start talking in my sleep.
I try not to go on my phone if I wake in the middle of the night, but sometimes I get bored.
I hear you there. Once I wake up I am up for a couple of hours. Grabbing a book will extend that, oddly enough.
Last night was a bad night but it wasn't my fault! 🤭
We had a huge thunderstorm that lasted a few hours and the power went out. I got too warm without my fan and then I was awake worrying about all my chicks with no heat lamps.
Thankfully they were all fine.
Glad they were all well. How old are your chicks?
Usually I'm not up all night or anything, but i have vivid dreams that wake me constantly, whether it's something startling that happens or because I start talking in my sleep.
I try not to go on my phone if I wake in the middle of the night, but sometimes I get bored.
Nightmares can be so much more serious and disruptive than the average person would understand.
In my early 20s I had a terrible months-long problem with sleep paralysis. It's scary enough all on its own, but towards the end it started happening in conjunction with nightmares. When that happened I couldn't tell if I was truly asleep and dreaming or aware but unable to wake (while terrible things were happening around me.)
It was a little rescue kitty named Maurice that pulled me through it. I stared sleeping with him next to me (touching me) thinking if I started to panic he could wake me. Not sure if it actually worked, or if it was more of a placebo of sorts, but I finally got through it.
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