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Well my horse broke her fence yesterday 😂
The Coop Cleaning Conspiracy because I've already heard The Perilously Snowy Day!
For reference, I have four hens. Tillie, the white leghorn, and Poppy, Ruth, and Round-Chicken, the red sex links.

The Coop Cleaning Conspiracy
I was TRYING to clean the coop. To do this, I have the large back door of the coop open, with a wheelbarrow to move out old shavings right up against it. My process of cleaning the coop is this:
Remove some old shavings/poop
put old shavings from nesting boxes into coop
put new shavings in boxes
mix together shavings in the coop and add more as needed
I had removed some of the old shavings from the coop, when they teamed up against me- Poppy went in the doorway, where I was trying to take the shavings out of, and stared in my face intimidatingly, while Ruth went in the wheelbarrow, where I was trying to put the shavings, and decided it was her new favorite spot to sit. So I thought, Ok, I'll just do the nesting boxes. I opened the boxes and Round Chicken was laying an egg! She did this special for the occasion, as she's the least reliable layer of the bunch. Obviously I didn't want to interrupt this important moment, so I was like, I'll add some new shavings to the coop and maneuver OVER Poppy- and Tillie was on the shavings bag!!! The message was clear: "How DARE you CLEAN our home and REMOVE our POOP"
I surrendered and cleaned the coop the next day.

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