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Once upon a time we went on vacation and a friend was watching the farm

He came over and found a bright red notice on the mailbox from Animal Control that has printed "we have impounded your dog because" and then a check list of things and theyd checked off "loose off property" or whatever that line says

So our friend flies up our driveway, runs into the house, calls all the dogs in, counts the dogs.... counts the dogs again.... calls SO and tells him what's up, SO demands he counts the dogs again, yells over to me to ask if we are supposed to be dogsitting or something....

Nope, we have all the dogs

So SO calls Animal Control to inform them that we have all our dogs and make sure the whatever dog they have isnt like... a strike against us or anything.

They look up the address and inform up that AC didn't pick up a dog. They picked up four male turkeys that were just walking down the neighborhood street.

SO plays it totally cool and goes "oh that's so interesting... out of curiosity, how much does it cost to get a turkey out of impound?" FORTY DOLLARS a turkey. So SO says "oh wow, what happens if the owner doesn't claim the turkey?" Apparently these Toms were super friendly so AC said theyd be sent to live a great life at a petting zoo. SO says "oh that's awesome. I don't have any turkeys but good luck!"

The next day AC pulls up the driveway: "The petting zoo your turkeys went to wants to know if you have any females you'd be willing to let go of."

:gig :gig

I call this the story of the time our turkeys got arrested

Once upon a time we went on vacation and a friend was watching the farm

He came over and found a bright red notice on the mailbox from Animal Control that has printed "we have impounded your dog because" and then a check list of things and theyd checked off "loose off property" or whatever that line says

So our friend flies up our driveway, runs into the house, calls all the dogs in, counts the dogs.... counts the dogs again.... calls SO and tells him what's up, SO demands he counts the dogs again, yells over to me to ask if we are supposed to be dogsitting or something....

Nope, we have all the dogs

So SO calls Animal Control to inform them that we have all our dogs and make sure the whatever dog they have isnt like... a strike against us or anything.

They look up the address and inform up that AC didn't pick up a dog. They picked up four male turkeys that were just walking down the neighborhood street.

SO plays it totally cool and goes "oh that's so interesting... out of curiosity, how much does it cost to get a turkey out of impound?" FORTY DOLLARS a turkey. So SO says "oh wow, what happens if the owner doesn't claim the turkey?" Apparently these Toms were super friendly so AC said theyd be sent to live a great life at a petting zoo. SO says "oh that's awesome. I don't have any turkeys but good luck!"

The next day AC pulls up the driveway: "The petting zoo your turkeys went to wants to know if you have any females you'd be willing to let go of."

:gig :gig

I call this the story of the time our turkeys got arrested

did you get them back or no? and did you have any females :lau

did you get them back or no? and did you have any females :lau
We were absolutely not going to pay $160. Think of how many poults we could have gotten for that money. :lau

We actually had one single hen left so we gave it to them. While, of course, still not acknowledging that the Toms had been ours
We had really bad luck with turkeys. For some reason we had one female (as our only turkey...idk what happened to the rest) and she sat on a nest of unfertilized eggs so we ordered poults from McMurray to give her some. The post office had them in a cold room under a massive air vent so a ton died, enough that McMurray refunded us the entire order. Turns out birds are dumb and the mom went somewhere to get out of the rain but the babies didnt understand they cant walk straight through a wall and needed to use the door and the mom didnt realize they couldn't get to her and so a bunch more died. I don't remember how these 6 made it but we had 2 females and 4 males, and the original mom wasn't around anymore for some reason. The 4 males got arrested. 1 female got eaten by a coyote or something and then last female went off to the petting zoo.

And we haven't had turkeys since.

McMurray was great though. :lau

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