Well Hello!


Loving Life!
May 27, 2016
SE Idaho
I'm Nichole... even if it seems like my username could be a first name. I use it as my username frequently. Kyanite is mineral that has a beautiful blue bladed crystal form. I'm a bit of a geology nut, an Army Veteran, and finally a chicken owner.... again. Kinda, if childhood counts as previous experience! lol

I grew up with all sorts of critters. We had horses, goats, chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits, a pig. You get the idea. I was a country girl. Then I joined the Army, got married, had a kid and got stuck with city life for too many years. Fast forward and I'm now a country girl again! Yay!

The property hubby and I bought last summer had a coop that needed a bit of TLC, so we've been giving it that while our little chicks spend some time in their brooder. We really just wanted a variety of layers suited to our area (Idaho), and weren't particular about them having to be breeding stock or anything of the sort. Although I'd definitely be interested in a breeding operation down the road, we really just wanted to get into the swing of things before we go jumping WAY in.

So, we headed to our local CAL Ranch store and bought 5 Easter Eggers (marked as Araucana of course), 5 Black Australorps, and 5 Sliver Laced Wyandottes. We lost one of the Wyandottes after a week, but everyone else was just fine. Seemed like a fluke, "failure to thrive" kind of thing. We've had them exactly 4 weeks and they are so ready to head to the coop. Now if the weather would stop throwing 30 degree nights at us!

Oh, and I pegged one of our little Australorps as a possible roo somewhere around week 2. Little guy was so much smaller than the others and wings feathers were shorter. We began calling "him" Stumpy. Then the Australorps began getting tail feathers and poor Stumpy was a full week and a half behind his sisters. Now the combs are starting to show and I think all doubt has been removed. But, thus far Stumpy is the only once really showing cockerel signs, so 1 out of 15 from the feed store, not bad I say if that holds!
Welcome to BYC
I've never heard of Kyanite before, it sounds pretty! One cockerel out of 15 strait run chicks is pretty good luck, I'd say. I hope you're allowed to keep cockerels where you live, if it does turn out to be a "he".

Enjoy the site!
Hi Sumi :) Yes, I can keep any cockerels. I'm well outside city limits and have 5 acres. Time will tell with the others. At four weeks it's kinda tough since there really isn't a comb on the wyandotts or the EE yet. Only little Stumps really strutting his stuff. Everyone else just seems to being doing the pecking order thing as of yet.

Thanks Sunflour! Already enjoying. Quite the wealth of information... overload. lol

Hi CTKen. Yes, I found my way right over to my state threat thread. Thanks!

Perhaps I should add... my Avi was one of my Mom's chickens. I enjoy a healthy photography hobby as well. I'd take care of them when she was out of town. They were free range during the day when supervised. Sadly, she no longer has the chickens since she had to sell and is now living in town and must secure a permit and permission from neighbors before having chickens. She wishes that the neighbors also had to have permission before letting their dogs out at 6am. lol
Good morning.

Welcome to byc and thank you for your service! I can see you are well on your way to a great adventure. Congrats on being able to be a country girl again.

I here ya about people's dogs being as much of a nuisance as a rooster, I have 3.... dogs. They LOVE to howl at least 3 times a day. I don't pay for cable TV or any of that stuff. We used to get free antenna when we lived in the city, but no reception way out here. So when we sit down to watch a movie at night, we always have to "paws" for "howling time" in the beginning. We have only 1 acre, so neighbors are pretty close.

I'm guessing your chicks were actually not straight run, but you just meant even with sexed chicks that was still pretty good to get only 1 possible cockerel. If that was straight run, I would say phenomenal! I think I have at least 1 cockerel in my current brood of 10. Same symptoms as Stumpy. 5 were straight run from local breeders. As long as there is no aggression problem, Galileo (lavender Ameraucana) stays.

Have a great day!
I often wonder why the laws and ordinances don't apply to dogs as well… In all my years of chicken keeping we've yet to hear a complaint about our birds (and we even kept guinea fowl IN TOWN at one stage), but I've lost count the number of times we've had trouble with dogs in our neighbourhoods and farms.
Hi EggSighted. Thanks! Yeah, no TV out here for us without satellite. Same for Internet unless I want to torture myself waiting on dial-up. You are correct on the sexed chicks. None were actually marked as pullets, but according to the store, they are sexed at the hatchery. However,I don't know which hatchery they use, but I do know that my mom ended up with roughly 1/3 cockerels out of her "sexed" chicks the last time she bought there, so I was expecting a few.

I hear ya Sumi. The town I just moved out of (where my mom is still in city limits) does actually have a very strict two dog limit unless you have a kennel license. But they do little to nothing when it comes to enforcing noise complaints about dogs. Chickens are so quiet in comparison... Roosters excluded lol

Hi Bantam. Thanks :)
Agree with all on the dog issues, I haven't had a dog since 1989 - I used to breed & show them. Funny thing I still have to scoop poop anyway.
I've caught people letting their dog into my fenced yard "so it could have a good run."
.People have no respect about anothers' property. Out here they post you have to clean up after your dog - what a joke. They carry a plastic bag just in case - police are around. They never have anything in it. Once I saw a young boy bag it, but, when he passed a bush, oddly he didn't have the bag anymore.

Sorry, off my soap box I should say "Welcome to Backyard chickens," and focus on that. Glad you joined the flock.

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