Well, I talked them into it! (PIC HEAVY!!)

Well today was a sad day in the nursery. I am extremely saddened to say that little NutMeg and Peggy passed away last night. I do not why, I just found them dead in the brooder.
I am very bummed, and as a precaution I have added electrolytes to their water, and changed their feed.

Anyways, other than that, everyone else has been fine. They've been dustbathing in the shavings all evening and really enjoying themselves.

Oh, I'm so sorry! I know how that feels. We had some chicks a few weeks back and I found one passed away. He was the tamest of them all and had seemed healthy before. I still can't figure out why he passed, but I moved them so I could disinfect the area they were in. If I put chicks in there again, I'll be disinfecting several times just to insure that all will be well.

I'm glad that the rest of your chicks are doing fine, though! My sultans will be a month old tomorrow and I'm so happy!

I had a loss of my own. I had 2 red stars pass due to a 4 legged feline. They were a little over 2 months old. Needless to say the cat didn't make it either. I hope it wasn't a neighbors cat. But it shouldn't have been in my coop. if anyone asks about it, deny deny deny :)
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Well it was another sad morning in the nursery. Little Cinnamon died. Same as all the others.

But, today the chicks had a wonderful time in the grasses again.

Two odd visitors enjoyed the chicks company today. The chicks really didn't know what to make of them though.

(Sorry about this one, I didn't have time to flip it.)

Alice tried to dustbathe in grass today..... didn't accomplish much. :3

A new trend is popping up in the flock.....

Although most of the chicks are strutting around with their new tail feathers, others are not.

Such as, Hercules!

Grass is a good place to catch a nap. :)

Alice tried to preform her escape trick today.... didn't get far.

Hope you enjoyed them!
That's awful! I'm so sorry about the chicks. Do you think it may have been something they got, like an illness, or just stress?

Well they are wonderfully adorable....
I'll be stalking this thread.
Oh my gosh they are so cute!!
I miss when my girls were little babies!! So sorry to hear about your three chicks!
Aren't they though? Kittens and puppies pale in comparison to baby chicks.
Thank you, I'm still pretty disappointed. Those EE's were my favorites.
That's awful! I'm so sorry about the chicks. Do you think it may have been something they got, like an illness, or just stress?

Well they are wonderfully adorable....
I'll be stalking this thread.
I'm not really sure. One day they got a little droopy, and then the next morning they are gone. I'm fairly confident now that is was the stress from being moved to a new environment. But it's odd that only the EE's died. I think I'll be purchasing true Ameraucanas from now on.

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